جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Scholarships and Grants

The University administration offers students a reduction of tuition fees for registered hours by 50% in case they obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 90% and above (3.65 according to the alphabetical grades), 33% in case they obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 85-89.9% (3.5-3.64) according to the alphabetical grades).


Prospective applicants for the excellence grant should meet and comply with the following requirements:

  • A student shall be consistent in his/her studies to obtain the Diploma or Bachelor’s degrees of various specializations.
  • A student shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 85% and above (3.50) for at least two successive semesters provided that none is a summer semester.

The University covers 100% of the registered tuition fees for martyrs’ children for all semesters, and 40% of the registered tuition fees for martyrs’ siblings for all semesters (excluding summer semesters) starting from the second semester of students’ enrollment. It should be noted that grants for children or siblings of martyrs apply only for general education students of middle Diploma and Bachelor’s, provided that their cumulative GPA of the previous semester does not reduce by more than 1.7. The grant does not include students of medicine or dentistry and Doctor of Medicine.

The University covers the tuition fees for children of employees as follows:


Prospective applicants should meet and comply with the following requirements:

  • A student who is a child of an employee shall be consistent in his/her studies to obtain the Diploma or Bachelor’s degrees of various specializations.

  • The parent of the student shall be a full-time employee. In case of completion of service, the parent must have serviced at the University for a minimum period of 10 years in accordance with the Board of Trustees resolution 440 on June 23, 2021.

  • New students who obtain a minimum high school rate of 70% are awarded a 100% grant of the tuition fees, whereas those who obtain less than 70% are awarded a 50% grant except for medicine students who are granted 50 JDs an hour, and dentistry and dental surgery students are granted 250 shekels an hour.

  • Old students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2 in the previous semester are awarded a 100% grant of tuition fees, whereas those with a cumulative GPA below 2 are granted a 50% grant except for medicine students who are granted a 50 JDs grant an hour in case the cumulative GPA is minimally 2, and 25 JDs in case the cumulative GPA is below 2. As for dentistry and dental surgery students, they are awarded a 250-shekel-grant an hour in case the cumulative GPA is minimally 2, and a 125-shekel-grant an hour in case the cumulative GPA is below 2.  

  • The grant does not cover the hours a student fails to complete.

  • The exemption shall be waived in case a student exceeds the legal period for graduation according to the specialization’s study plan. In case the student decides to shift to another specialization, the legal graduation period is determined according to the study plan of the first specialization he/she enrolled in the University.

  • In case a student who had been awarded the grant for children of employees graduated and wishes to enroll in a new program, he/she is not awarded the grant again.

  • In case a student commits a violation and is subject to a penalty by the control disciplinary committee, the exemption shall be waived starting from the date of the primary control committee’s decision.

An-Najah National University allocates 3 grants for children of employees at the Ministry of Higher Education provided that:

  • The number of the employee's children enrolling the University simultaneously does not exceed three.

  • The grant is awarded for children of full-time employees at the Ministry of Higher Education who have been working at the Ministry for a minimum period of one year and are still at top of their jobs.

  • Prospective applicants should be regular students to obtain the Bachelor’s degree in one of the general education’s specializations, not special education, in a period that does not exceed the maximum potential period of studying, i.e., 6 years for human sciences programs, and 7.5 for medical and engineering programs.

  • The grant covers the tuition fees, whereas the registration, internet, and other fees are excluded.

  • New students who are children of employees at the Ministry of Higher Education are granted in their first semester at University a 100% exemption from the tuition fees in case they obtain a minimum high school rate of 70%, and 50% in case they obtain less than 70%.

  • The grant does not cover the summer semester.

  • The grant does not include students of medicine or dentistry.

  • A student is awarded a 100% grant in case he/she obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2 in the previous semester, and a reduction by 50% in case the GPA lowers below 2.

  • The grant does not cover the hours a student fails to complete.

  • The exemption shall be waived in case a student exceeds the legal period for graduation according the specialization’s study plan.

  • The grant is completely cancelled for students who commit violations and are subject to a penalty by the disciplinary committee starting from the date of the committee’s decision.

  • An employee is not entitled to benefit from more than a grant simultaneously.

  • The Ministry of Higher Education nominates the children of employees to benefit from the grant in accordance to their competitive grades and according to the conditions of the grant.

  • This decision shall take effective starting from fall semester 2012/2013.

The University administration, in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, covers the tuition fees for the student who obtains the highest high school rate in each faculty provided that their cumulative GPA is not lower than 80% or 3 according to the alphabetical grades.


  • A student shall maintain regularity in his/her studies in any Middle Diploma or Bachelor’s program in the University – except for the Faculty of Medicine, as the grant is awarded only for students of Pharmacy, and Nursery. 

  • A student shall have obtained the Palestinian General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi).

  • A student shall apply for obtaining the grant at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education provided that he/she brings his/her original high school marks transcript or an authenticated copy of it, and the registration receipt at the University.

  • The Ministry of Education and Higher Education examines the submitted applications, then determines the names of the students who obtain the highest high school rates in each faculty and sends the University an official paper in this regard.

  • The University administration covers the tuition fees for the determined students for all semesters provided that students abide by studying in the same faculty.

  • In the event that multiple students share the same high school rate/ GPA and are vying for the same faculty grant, the allocated grant for that faculty will be evenly distributed among them.

The University administration provides grants for the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine’s students for the following programs:

  • Plant Production & Protection program: The grant covers 100% of the tuition fees for the registered hours for two full semesters, provided that the student shall obtain a minimum high school rate of 65% or above.

  • Animal Production and Animal Health Program: The grant offers a 100% grant covering tuition fees for the registered hours for two full semesters, provided that the student shall obtain a minimum high school rate of 65% or above.

  • Nutrition and Food Technology program: The grant covers 50% of the tuition fees for the registered hours for two full semesters, provided that the student shall obtain a minimum high school rate of 70% or above.

A student fully undertakes the payment of the grant in case he/she quits, or is expelled from, the university, or in case he/she shifts to another faculty after being awarded the grant.

Due to the importance of the Department of Methods of Teaching and its leading role in providing the educational sector with highly qualified cadres, and in order to encourage high school students to enroll this specialization, the University administration dedicates five academic grants for the Methods of Teaching English Language program.


  • The grant is awarded to the top 5 students enrolled in the program, given that the student maintains a high school average of not less than 90%.
  • A student’s cumulative GPA shall not be below 80% (or 3 according to the alphabetical grades). In case the GPA of the previous semester lowers below 80% (or 3 according to the alphabetical grades), the grant is canceled.
  • The grant covers 50% of the tuition fees of the registered hours for all semesters, starting from the first semester 2008/2009.
  • A student fully undertakes the payment of the grant in case he/she quits, or is expelled from, the university, or in case he/she shifts to another college after being awarded the grant.

The University administration dedicates annually periodic grants for nearly 30 specializations. The grants cover 50% of the tuition fees for two full semesters.

The University administration has signed several agreements with government agencies, unions and private institutions to grant MA students working in these institutions a grant that covers 30% of the tuition fees

  1. In case a student is awarded more than a grant from the University, only the higher shall be approved with the cancellation of the others, except for the excellence scholarship for children of the university employees enrolled in Dentistry and Doctor of Medicine.

  2. In case a student is awarded a grant from the University and (a) grant(s) from external institutions within the same semester, the total sum of grants shall not exceed the tuition fees of the semester. Otherwise, the University grant shall be reduced or cancelled so that the total sum of grants does not exceed the semester's total tuition fees.

  3. In case a student is awarded an excellence grant and a full grant from an institute, the University informs the institute that the student has an excellence grant and coordinates with it to either approve or cancel the excellence grant, or reduce the institute’s grant.

  4. In case in a semester a student is awarded an external grant that covers the tuition fees and obtains a loan from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry’s loan shall be cancelled. In case the grant is partial and the student obtains a loan, it is permissible for him/her to have both the grant and the loan provided that the Ministry of Education and Higher Education gives its approval.

  5. In case a student is awarded a grant in a semester and then within the same semester is granted another, both of them fully cover the tuition fees of the semester, one of them shall be cancelled after coordination with the respective donors.

  6. In the event that a student secures an external grant for a specific semester but does not register for courses during that semester, we will coordinate with the donor—provided they are a known institution or individual—regarding the cancellation or retention of the grant for the student. If the grant originates from an unfamiliar institution or individual, it will remain in the student's balance for use in the subsequent semester upon registration.

  7. If a student receives external grants exceeding the value of the tuition fees, we will initiate coordination with the donor, particularly if they are a known institution or individual, to determine whether to reduce or retain the grant for the student. However, in the case of grants originate from unfamiliar entities, the excess amount will remain in the student's balance for registration in the upcoming semester.

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