جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Renewable Energy Leadership in Palestine

An-Najah National University (ANNU) and Arizona State University (ASU) have created a joint professional development training program, which focuses on renewable energy leadership in Palestine.

The focus of this program is to train and assist Palestinian leaders - including government, finance, and private sector leaders, environmental and municipal policy makers, and utility officials - in developing a comprehensive program in renewable energy. This important training and partnership between An-Najah and ASU is the first of many future joint programs to transform the energy landscape in Palestine and other parts of the world.

Knowledge transfer is a critical step towards achieving a renewable energy vision for Palestine. The first part of the training takes place at An-Najah’s New Campus in Nablus, Palestine. Training participants learn about existing energy conditions in Palestine and Arizona, renewable energy barriers, targets, and how to achieve future goals. The second week of training will take place at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona in early 2014. Participants will visit a wide variety of renewable energy facilities and meet with energy leaders in Arizona. After the training, we encourage all of the participants to apply this beneficial information toward a sustainable renewable energy future for Palestine.

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