Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Policy Statement
An-Najah National University is proud of its diversity and recognizes the value that this brings to University life. The University embraces and celebrates the differences between people, recognizing the strengths and benefits of a diverse and inclusive society, workforce and student body.
The University is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of its activities, through the development of fair and equitable policies, procedures, providing the highest quality academic and working environment, where all staff, students, visitors and contractors are employed, welcomed, respected and treated in a fair manner that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization.
The Equality Act 2010 (the ‘act’) legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society including education. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it is unlawful to treat someone.
The protected characteristics are age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/ civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
Direct Discrimination is defined as being where a person discriminates against another because of a protected characteristic or treats a person less favorably than they would others because of the protected characteristic.
Indirect Discrimination is defined as being where a person discriminates against another in that they apply a criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic.
An-Najah National University recognizes the educational and organizational benefits of having a diverse community of employees and students and is committed to providing an environment where equality, diversity and inclusion is embedded and at the core of all our activities. This is a commitment that is endorsed and led by our University leaders. We aspire to a University environment where everyone feels they are treated fairly and can achieve their full potential.
The policy applies to all members of the RCSI community listed below, actions in person or virtually and through any form of communication, verbal, written or otherwise.
Students and student applicants
Job applicants
An-Najah National University will:
Provide appropriate training and resources to raise awareness and understanding of EDI issues.
Encourage open and respectful dialogue among all members of the university community.
Implement strategies to recruit and retain a diverse workforce and student body.
Monitor and review the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis and make necessary improvements.
All members at the university community are responsible for upholding and promoting the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion outlined in this policy.
University Council through the Vice-Chancellor has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that this policy is fully implemented.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, supported by the Associate Provost, is responsible for leading the implementation of the University’s strategy in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion for both staff and students.
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team has responsibility for the coordination, support and delivery of this work.
Each individual is responsible for their own behavior and must accept the principle that there is equality of opportunity and fairness for all staff and students and anyone associated with the University (e.g. visitors, contractors and service providers), in all aspects of University life.
Individuals must ensure they do not support unfair behavior by ignoring what is happening around them and must not incite or collude with unfair or unlawful discrimination.
The law stipulates that, any member of the University community found to be responsible for inciting, perpetrating or colluding with discrimination or harassment may face disciplinary action.
All staff, students and anyone associated with the University, have a responsibility to adhere to this statement and apply it in their day to day work. The specific responsibilities in relation to this statement are as follows:
The University Court, as the employer, is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the University fulfils its legal responsibilities for promoting equality and eliminating discrimination, and for making sure that the commitments within this statement are fulfilled.
The President Office, having the overall leadership for managing the University, has the responsibility to ensure that the legal responsibilities for promoting equality and eliminating discrimination, and for making sure that the commitments within this statement are fulfilled across the University.
The Director of Human Resources is responsible for implementation of this statement with respect to staff and also for implementing related policies and procedures. The Director of Human Resources will also ensure that all staff receive appropriate equality and diversity inclusion training.
The Dean of Student Affairs is responsible for implementation of this statement with respect to students and also for implementing related policies and procedures.
Heads of Departments/Unit have a responsibility to raise the profile of the policy within their Schools/Units and ensure that all staff and students are aware of the commitments within the policy. They also have a responsibility to promote equality of opportunity and to eliminate discrimination within their Departments/Units.
The University will take a proactive approach to embedding principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.
Discrimination, harassment and victimization will not be tolerated on University’s campuses. This Policy is intended to create a culture where all forms of discriminatory behavior are unacceptable, challenged and addressed.
The University will apply this Policy in accordance with relevant legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. The Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of the following nine protected characteristics:
Gender or gender reassignment
Marriage or civil partnership
Pregnancy or maternity
Religion or belief
Refugee and asylum seekers
Sexual orientation
The University recognizes the importance and benefits of creating inclusive working, learning and social environments and practices and seeks to support staff and students where reasonable and practicable across a wider set of equality areas.
The University will not discriminate on grounds of any of the listed characteristics above in any decisions concerning student admissions, progression, support, learning and teaching or accommodation provision.
The University will not discriminate on grounds of any of the listed characteristics above, in decisions concerning staff recruitment and selection, career development, work schedules, promotion, regrading, staff development opportunities, pay and remuneration, or reward and recognition.
The University will continue to collect and monitor data on staff and students who identify with protected characteristics and use this information to inform policy development.
The University will promote a proactive approach to equality, diversity and inclusion which includes embedding equality across its functions and advancing accessibility to the university.
Encouraged underrepresented groups to apply to work and study at the University to increase the representation of individuals from groups that have been under-represented in the University community.
The University will assess the impact of its policies and practices to identify and mitigate disadvantages to individuals who identify with the characteristics above.
The University will work with external partners in the sector and beyond to share its own learning and practice and to identify and implement good practice on an ongoing basis.
Reporting and Complaints
Any instances of discrimination, harassment, or victimization should be reported promptly to the appropriate university authority. ANNU will investigate all complaints and take appropriate action in line with its policies and procedures.
This policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations and to reflect best practices in the field of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
EDI Committee The RCSI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) was established in 2019. The committee, which is comprised of students and staff, is responsible for advising the Senior Management Team on all equality, diversity and inclusion matters in RCSI. The Committee is chaired by Senior Management Team member and Director of International Engagement and External Relations, Abi Kelly. The EDI Committee is the oversight body. The EDI Unit is the team responsible for implementing the day-to-day requirements of the policy and activities. All EDI activity is guided by the 10 university equality grounds as detailed above.
Related Policies
Access and Participation to Study Policy
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Effective Date: October 12, 2016
Review Date: Jun 15, 2023