Sustainability Policy
Policy Statement
In establishing this policy, the University reinforces its commitment to build on its achievements in the efficient management of energy, water and key material resources, and the minimization of waste and emissions, and commits to continue to find new and innovative ways to demonstrate leadership in research, teaching, learning, operations, partnerships, capacity building and networking to advance sustainability through the University’s Strategic Plan 2020–2025.
Together, these commitments coalesce into a vision for the University where:
research, teaching and action for sustainability are actively encouraged and supported
the University’s achievements in this regard are to a level where they can make a difference in the world
staff members are attracted to the University to research, teach and practice sustainability
students are attracted to the University to learn, research and contribute to sustainability
ideas and concepts around sustainability are germinated and taken beyond the University to the workforce and society, where they are further developed and brought to fruition, and
staff and students
recognize their role as stewards of the resources they use
take action to minimize adverse impacts on the environment as a result of their activities and
protect and enhance the life-supporting characteristics of our world
The purpose of this policy is to provide a vision and a set of principles to guide our actions to support sustainability and improve our environmental performance.
All University members, staff and students, suppliers, partners, contractors and tenants
Principles and policy statements
The key principles that the University will follow to achieve our obligations with regard to sustainability:
Research towards a sustainable future
Teaching and learning for sustainability
Sustainable operating practices, this includes:
minimizing the energy, water and material resources we use
reducing our wastes and emissions at source
recovering resources for re-use and recycling
increase the volume of water reuse
applying sustainability principles to the design, building, refurbishment and operation of our buildings and to the management of our campuses and biodiversity reserves and
promoting the use of sustainable modes of transport.
Partnerships for sustainability
Capacity building and networking to advance sustainability
Monitoring and reporting
Effective Date: December 12, 2018
Review Date: Jun 15, 2023