Disability and Accessibility Policy
An-Najah National University is committed to promoting diversity and equality of opportunity and eliminating discrimination in its practices, policies and procedures, as set out in the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. This policy outlines the University’s commitment to creating a culture and environment in which students, staff and visitors to the University are treated fairly and not disadvantaged because of a disability. The University anticipates the needs of staff, students and visitors, and establishes inclusive practices, policies and procedures accordingly.
The policy is guided by the Equality Act 2010 and the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, overseen by the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
The University’s compliance with applicable disability laws is implemented in the context of the University’s broader Policy on Discrimination and/or Harassment and its accompanying FAQs, which advise the University community of prohibited discriminatory and harassing conduct, as well as the resources and processes for addressing and resolving complaints of discrimination, harassment and related violations of University policy.
Disability is a physical or mental impairment that prevents the normal exercise of any bodily or mental functions or is demonstrable by accepted clinical or laboratory diagnostic techniques.
The term "disability" may include learning, physical, sensory, psychological, medical, and certain temporary disabilities.
Accommodations are modifications or provisions made for an individual with a disability to provide access or enable them to perform the essential functions of a role. Depending on the specific circumstances and the documentation received, accommodations may include:
Academic accommodations;
Housing and dining accommodations;
Modifications to University policies, rules and regulations as applied to the individual;
Environmental adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers;
Auxiliary aids and services;
Modified work schedules or job restructuring.
Discrimination, harassment and retaliation are prohibited under this policy and the Policy on Discrimination and/or Harassment.
This policy applies to all members of the University community students, staff and relevant stakeholders, as well as applicants for admission and applicants for employment.
This policy applies in all University Campuses, Faculties, Institutes, Centers and Departments, including University owned or operated residential accommodation.
To create awareness on disability issues among the University Community to foster positive attitude towards PWDs.
To ensure accessibility to the university facilities, built environment, information and services for PWDs.
To provide equal opportunities of learning and employment for PWDs.
To ensure a conducive work environment for staff, interns and attaches with disabilities.
To ensure that staff and students who become incapacitated while at the University are supported and enabled.
To promote the participation of PWDs in decision-making at all levels.
To ensure the safety of PWDs in the event of an emergency.
The University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for ensuring the University meets its obligations under equality and diversity legislation, monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of this policy and its related procedures, and recommending changes where appropriate.
Members of the University’s senior administration, heads of faculty and departments, and managers at all levels are responsible for ensuring all staff are aware of this policy and are supported to develop and maintain good practice.
All staff should be aware of their shared responsibility in supporting disabled students, colleagues and visitors and the University’s statutory responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
Human Resources will ensure that all staff are provided with mandatory training on Disability Awareness at induction, and that all staff will have the opportunity to participate in annual training on inclusive practice.
All staff, students and visitors to the University have a duty to act in accordance with this policy and treat others with dignity and respect at all times.
The core principles that guide the implementation of this Policy are:
Inclusion: The University shall ensure inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in all processes and all levels of decision making.
Accessibility: The University shall endeavor to ensure accessibility of built environment, facilities and provision of information in accessible formats.
Reasonable Accommodation: The University shall ensure that necessary and appropriate modifications and adjustments are provided where needed in a particular case to Persons with Disabilities.
Dignity: The Policy is anchored on respect for inherent dignity and individual autonomy which includes freedom of choice and independence of all persons.
Non-Discrimination: The Policy prohibits discrimination based on disability.
Equity: The University shall ensure equality of opportunities and equity in all its operations and services regardless of disability status.
Policy Statements
Aligning all University Policies and Strategic Plans to be Disability Inclusive
The University has developed a myriad of policies to guide its processes. All the policies affect PWDs just as they affect other members of the university community. Some policies are, however, more critical for disability mainstreaming than others. Notable ones in this regard, include the housing policy, the transport policy, policies on academic activities, and human resource policies.
Effective inclusion requires that disability issues are not just addressed in and by a Disability policy of an institution, but in all policies. Consequently, the University will align all its policies and procedures to this policy to enable effective attention to and mainstreaming of disability matters in all policy interventions. In addition, subsequent strategic plans of the University will comprehensively address disability mainstreaming.
Training and Sensitization on Disability
The University has a Human Resource Policy which outlines Training and Development as a key instrument for promoting institutional performance. Over the years the University has continued to offer in-house training and sensitization on disability mainstreaming and external training on a needs basis. Most of the trainings and sensitization on disability have focused on identifying the types of disabilities to create awareness and a culture of inclusion through de stigmatization.
The University is committed to and will undertake continuous training and sensitization for all staff and students on disability issues. Training will also focus on ensuring that there is knowledge on providing disability friendly services, including sign language. The trainings shall be participatory and involve PWDs as trainers together with other resource persons. They shall be conducted University wide using a cascaded model.
Accessibility to Facilities and Built Environment
All of the University facilities and premises are accessible to PWDs. The University has installed elevators in some buildings, provided ramps, accessible parking lots, signage, accessible washrooms, customer service points, furniture and fittings and accessible surroundings.
Admission of Students
The Palestinian Disabled Rights Law No. (4) Act, 1999 Act, requires all learning institutions to consider the special needs of PWDs with respect to the entry requirements, pass marks, curriculum, examinations, auxiliary services, use of school facilities, class schedules, physical education requirements and other similar considerations. Further, the Act states that no persons or learning institutions shall deny admission to a PWD because of their disability.
In fulfillment of the above obligations, the University shall:
Take affirmative action measures to increase the numbers of Students with Disabilities admitted to all its courses and programs.
Make the admission process more disability friendly
Allow Students with Disabilities to make their own queue during registration and any other service related to admission.
Uphold the principle of non-discriminatory approach in enrollment of Students with Disabilities in various Academic programs relevant to their qualification.
Give priority to Students with Disabilities in allocating halls of residence.
Teaching and Learning
PWDs are entitled to equal opportunities to all teaching and learning resources, processes and services. Students with Disabilities have unique needs and may require extra attention in learning.
The University shall:
Mainstream disability in the design and implementation of all its programs
Provide reasonable accommodation to Students with Disabilities in accordance with their different categories of disability in the delivery of academic programs.
Provide Students with Disabilities with needed support services such as interpretation, Braille machines, assistive technologies and guides to facilitate their learning.
Address the needs of Persons with disability during online teaching and learning to enable them access and utilize the adopted platforms.
Address the needs of Students with Disabilities during the examination process.
Employment, Welfare and Support to Staff with Disabilities
PWDs form part of the University Workforce spread across different job cadres. Once in employment, PWDs require reasonable accommodation and support from the University to be able to discharge their employment obligations. In addition, those who acquire disabilities while in employment should, in compliance with international standards, be rehabilitated and supported to utilize their full potential.
The University shall:
Not discriminate against qualified PWDs during recruitment, promotion, training & development.
Ensure that all recruitment processes including job advertisement, short listing and interviews are disability inclusive.
Provide reasonable accommodation to the needs of Staff with Disabilities on a case by case basis, depending on the nature of disability.
Take into consideration the specific needs of PWDs during transfers and deployment.
Put in place measures to support Staff who acquire disabilities while in the University to rehabilitate them and ensure they continue being in employment.
Participation in University Processes
An-Najah National University recognizes the importance of inclusion of persons with disability in all activities and processes at the institution. The University shall therefore take measures to involve persons with disability in all undertakings in the University.
Data Management
Lack of data constrains the ability of planning and monitoring for PWDs. To ensure full and equal participation of PWDs, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) instructs state parties to collect and disseminate data on disability.
The University relies on accurate data for informed decision making. Collection and analysis of comprehensive data on PWDs is, therefore critical for Disability Mainstreaming within the institution.
The University shall:
Continuously collect, analyze and disseminate gender-disaggregated data on Staff and Students with Disabilities, their challenges and needs for informed decision making.
Guarantee the confidentiality of information collected from Staff and Students with Disabilities relating to their status as required or permitted by law. Any information collected shall be used for the benefit of the Staff or the Student with Disabilities. No information should be shared without the consent of the Staff or Student with Disabilities.
The effectiveness of implementation of a Disability Policy is highly dependent on allocation of resources commensurate with the identified needs. The University committed to ensuring allocation of adequate Human and Financial resources to support the implementation of this Policy. It shall plan for and allocate adequate resources for Disability Mainstreaming in its annual plans and budgets and ensure that the annual disability mainstreaming work plan captures financial allocations for implementation. In addition, it shall seek for resources from stakeholders and partners to support its disability mainstreaming efforts.
Establishment of a Disability Support Centre
In line with international, national and local requirements that PWDs be accorded equal rights and space to operate in all organizations, the University committed to mainstreaming disability in its operations. This shall be actualized through the establishment of a disability Centre herein referred to as ‘An-Najah National University Disability Support Centre’.
The core mandate of the Centre shall be to implement disability mainstreaming activities to staff and students at the University. The Centre shall also further the vision of an inclusive society that supports the attainment of academic, professional and personal goals for PWDs in line with the constitutional requirements and the set guidelines on disability mainstreaming.
The Disability Centre work with all units in the University and other stakeholders both local and International to achieve its mandate of serving PWDs with dignity in the University.
Stakeholder Engagement
The University recognizes the important role that stakeholders play and is committed to their engagement in all its operations. In implementing this Policy, therefore the University shall map and engage all the relevant stakeholders. Areas of stakeholder engagement include sensitization, training, and registration, resource mobilization, provision of assistive devices and bursaries.
Students Requesting an Accommodation (Through the Disability Support Center)
The University is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to the educational opportunities and programs available. The University provides students with reasonable accommodations in a timely manner when such accommodations are necessary to afford goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to individuals with disabilities, unless providing the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations. Students with disabilities may request academic accommodations; housing and dining accommodations; modifications to University policies, rules, and regulations; environmental adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; and auxiliary aids and services.
Students should submit all accommodation requests to the Disability Support Center (DSC). DSC uses an interactive process of consulting with the student and conducts an individualized assessment of each student to determine whether and what accommodations can be made to allow students with disabilities to participate in the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations at the University, and to continue to participate in and benefit from the University’s goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations while receiving treatment for health conditions. In some cases, an outside consultant is engaged to review the student’s documentation as well. DSO communicates with the student about its decisions throughout the process.
Employees Requesting an Accommodation (Through Human Resources or the Office of the Dean of the Faculty)
The university provides reasonable accommodations for employees with a disability who can perform their essential job duties with or without modifications. In determining which accommodations are reasonable, the University and the employee have a mutual obligation to engage in a good faith interactive process to explore and discuss options for reasonable modifications. Reasonable accommodations are provided only when an employee self-identifies as a qualified individual with a disability and provides the appropriate documentation from a healthcare provider.
Sources of Support
Disability Support Center (DSC)
An-Najah Medical Clinics
Deanship of Student Affairs
Psychological Counseling Unit
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Faculty Disability Mainstreaming Committees
Monitoring and Evaluation
An-Najah National University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall collate reports from all their units and prepare quarterly reports for submission to the Disability Support Center (DSC). Departments within Central Administration shall also prepare and submit their reports to the Disability Support Centre.
The Disability Support Center shall undertake continuous monitoring of disability mainstreaming activities within the University. It shall prepare quarterly, and an annual report based on its monitoring and information from Faculty Disability Mainstreaming Committees for submission to the university president.
Effective Date: October 12, 2016
Review Date: Jun 15, 2023