Competency Development Unit
The Competency Development Unit makes the quality of student performance its central concern. To complement the educational readiness and knowledge building process, a student's personality goes through a model of Competency- Based Learning through which knowledge; talents, attitude, and skills are all integrated and evaluate performance levels in categories of creative thinking, personal skills and attitude – characteristics required to operate effectively in the real world.

When the quality of their university graduates is assessed, some universities value education and research, others believe in the value of 'on-the-job' training and others counts on personal talents as qualities necessary to make an outstanding professional and active citizen. At An-Najah National University (An-Najah) we aim to equip our students with all these components together in what we refer to as COMPETENCIES.
It is the vision of this office is to prepare students not only qualified in their field, but to graduate them with the competencies that will make them a more capable, more competent, and more employable graduate. As the leading institution of higher education in Palestine, and one that takes as its ultimate mission the amelioration of the Palestinian community, An-Najah realizes its responsibility to contribute to the process of building a modern, independent state in Palestine. This is achieved by instilling excellence and quality in its graduates and by providing the market with competent graduates who are able to demonstrate distinguished capabilities at the professional and personal level.
An-Najah believes that the Competency Based Education can contribute into the National Development Process as it prepares students to meet the 21st Century Global Challenges. The unemployment rate and the marginal contribution of young generation of college graduates in the Arab World and the surrounding neighborhood demonstrate a desperate need for a Paradigm Shift in the entire Education systems in the region. An-Najah National University has drawn the road map for such change. Practice oriented graduate is capable to take an active role at the local as well as at the global stage.
Competency Basic Components: English proficiency, IT proficiency, Community Service, Emotional intelligence, and Social intelligence.
The Competency Development Unit seeks to prepare students to meet the community and the global challenges through the implementation and evaluation of competence students acquire during their university learning. Provide the market with well-educated, competent graduates who are able to play active role in the community.
- Enhance students communications skills and self-confidence
- Enhance self-management skills, goal achievement , success and other Emotional Intelligence skills.
- Enhance relationship management skills, team work and other Social Intelligence skills.
- Enhance leadership and decision making skills and impact on others.
- Fine tune and sharpen students personality through providing opportunity to develop above skills.
- Enhance students quality to perform with the competitive edge which will secure employment and independence.
- Enhance students ability to contribute effectively into the national sustainable development process.
This project is implemented through practice oriented, hands-on experience workshop sessions and other general lectures. Teachers play significant role in the making of this mission as they occupy a central role in the Competency Building Dynamics.
Competency Development Review Board has been established from deans of colleges, administrators, student council, along with representatives from the Palestinian private, government and NGO sectors.
The board is an advisory body yet oversees the action-plan, implantation and outcomes of the competency project at An-Najah University. Its main purpose is to provide the degree holder with competitive edge in the job-market through an ongoing direct dialogue between academia and professional world.
The Competency Building Process is implemented in five phases during the four years of college education. Competency Development Unit (CDUs) are mandatory for the entire University.
- After successful participation in the five phases of the competency building process, students are expected to acquire and demonstrate the following competencies:
- Intelligent communications skills and manifested self confidence.
- Self-management ,goal-achievement and other Emotional Intelligent skills.
- Relationship management ,team work and other Social Intelligent skills.
- Leadership, decision-making and impact on others skills.
- Character with distinguished and competitive competencies.
- Increased the probability to secure and maintain career path .
- Increase the probability of effective contribution into the National Sustainable Development Process.
Competency assessment tools will be administered to measure the success rate and the status of the acquired skills. Competent entrepreneur is the ultimate deliverable.
- Competency Development workshop in English language in collaboration with international office.
- IELTS workshops.
- Communication and Leader workshops in collaboration with NGO’s and local societies.
- Follow with Tamayyaz program with Sharek Youth Forum.
- Supervising Learning content Development Unit with the E-Learning center to train students to develop digital learning content.
- Professional Development workshops.
- Career guidance in collaboration with labor ministry.
- Experts visits: host experts in different fields to present their experiences to An-Najah students.