Strategic Plan
- Following up on students’ cases and assisting them in finding solutions with the concerned parties (academic, administrative and social).
- Expanding male and female participation base in extracurricular activities by providing the necessary facilities.
- Establishing counselling departments and hiring employees with an expertise in psychological and social guiding.
- Establishing student services unit to answer student and visitor inquiries on academic, personal, financial, health and administrative issues.
- Employing financially challenged students in some university facilities such as: libraries, university cafeterias and sports facilities.
- Providing material incentives for the valedictorians, students in financial need and students with special needs; to benefit from the Ministry University Loan Fund, as well as the Needy Student University Loan Fund.
- Communicating with university students and other local, Arab and international university students to exchange skills and expertise.
- Encouraging scientific trips for different faculty students to learn about the Palestinian environment and its industrial and commercial institutions. The university will contribute half the expenses incurred on these trips.
- Visiting social institutions, such as homes for the elderly and orphanages, previously visited by the Scouting Team and Palestinian Folklore Band, and following up on their conditions.
- Providing clinics in different locations, on both campuses, for both students and employees.
- Providing qualified medical staff.
- Providing medications and equipment.
- Incorporating the concepts of freedom of speech and respecting other’s opinions.
- Faith in equality and pluralism.
- Solving problems through dialogue and rejecting violence on and off campus.
- The participation of student council members and student body representatives in the preparation of the elections for the student council and the departments’ academic clubs, in cooperation with the supreme elections committee in the university and under the supervision of the Deanship of Students Affairs.
- Student participation in decision making in the various councils of the university, faculties and departments.
- Organising cultural competitions between the different faculties and offering prizes for winning teams.
- Forming art groups (theatre, choral, folk dancing, etc.) and providing them with the necessary supplies and equipment.
- Exhibitinging art for students and non-students (from wider civil institutions).
- Participating in events and festivals outside the country.
- Holding youth camps inside and outside the country.
- Participating in local and regional championships (athletics, scouts, arts and culture).