جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

Strategic Plan

  • Following up on students’ cases and assisting them in finding solutions ‎with the concerned parties (academic, administrative and social).
  • Expanding male and female participation base in extracurricular ‎activities by providing the necessary facilities.
  • Establishing counselling departments and hiring employees with an ‎expertise in psychological and social guiding.
  • Establishing student services unit to answer student and visitor ‎inquiries on academic, personal, financial, health and administrative ‎issues.
  • Employing financially challenged students in some university ‎facilities such as: libraries, university cafeterias and sports facilities. ‎
  • Providing material incentives for the valedictorians, students in ‎financial need and students with special needs; to benefit from the ‎Ministry University Loan Fund, as well as the Needy Student ‎University Loan Fund. ‎
  • ‎Communicating with university students and other local, Arab and ‎international university students to exchange skills and expertise.
  • ‎Encouraging scientific trips for different faculty students to learn ‎about the Palestinian environment and its industrial and commercial ‎institutions. The university will contribute half the expenses incurred ‎on these trips.
  • ‎Visiting social institutions, such as homes for the elderly and ‎orphanages, previously visited by the Scouting Team and Palestinian ‎Folklore Band, and following up on their conditions.
  • ‎Providing clinics in different locations, on both campuses, for both ‎students and employees.
  • ‎Providing qualified medical staff.
  • ‎Providing medications and equipment.
  • ‎Incorporating the concepts of freedom of speech and respecting ‎other’s opinions.
  • ‎Faith in equality and pluralism.
  • ‎Solving problems through dialogue and rejecting violence on and off ‎campus.
  • ‎The participation of student council members and student body ‎representatives in the preparation of the elections for the student ‎council and the departments’ academic clubs, in cooperation with the ‎supreme elections committee in the university and under the ‎supervision of the Deanship of Students Affairs.
  • ‎Student participation in decision making in the various councils of the ‎university, faculties and departments.
  • ‎Organising cultural competitions between the different faculties and ‎offering prizes for winning teams.
  • ‎Forming art groups (theatre, choral, folk dancing, etc.) and providing ‎them with the necessary supplies and equipment.
  • ‎Exhibitinging art for students and non-students (from wider civil ‎institutions).
  • ‎Participating in events and festivals outside the country.
  • ‎Holding youth camps inside and outside the country.
  • ‎Participating in local and regional championships (athletics, scouts, ‎arts and culture).

© 2025 An-Najah National University