جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Students at the Engineering Faculty were awarded the Zuhair Hijjawi Prize for their research on the environment and renewable energy. This remarkable achievement is testament to the level of creativity and scientific achievement at theUniversity.
The Zuhair Hijjawi Prize for the Environment was awarded to Nour Khreem, Deyala Falaha and Maisa Abu-Salah for their graduation project, which focused on the production of active carbon from solid remains of olives and its use in the treatment of impure water. Their project was supervised by Dr. Abd-Rahem Abu-Safa.
The Zuhair Hijjawi Prize for Renewable Energy went to Mostafa Mari from Mechanic Engineering Department for his graduation project on subtracting electric power from car vibrations. His research was subsidized by the An-Nayzak Organization for Extracurricular Education, and overseen by faculty members at the Department of Mechanic Engineering of the university.

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