جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Dr. Walid Pasha, staff member at An-Najah University's Faculty of ‎Medicine and Health Sciences participated in the Preparation of the ‎State of Palestine Fifth National Report to the Convention on ‎Biological Diversity.‎

Dr. Pasha participated in the final workshop on drafting the First ‎National CBD report for Palestine, which was held in Amman over ‎two days during the period from 25-26 October, 2015.‎

The fifth national report was prepared in cooperation with the United ‎Nations Environment Programme (UNEP-ROWA), the World ‎Conservation Union (IUCN-ROWA), and the Environmental ‎authority in Palestine.‎

The workshop was attended by representatives from the Ministry of ‎Agriculture, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), and ‎partners from the Palestinian NGO’s including: Applied Research ‎Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ), Palestine Wildlife Society (PWLS), ‎Environmental Education Center (EEC), Biodiversity and ‎Environmental Research Center (BERC), and Basha Scientific Center ‎for Research.‎

The report provides information on the State of Palestine’s nature ‎which enjoys a rich biodiversity, compared to other countries in the ‎region.‎

Palestine has a distinctive location as well as a special topography, ‎and history such as Great Rift Valley, and bird’s migrations etc. It ‎contains five bio - geographical zones (Ecosystems) which associated ‎with their climate and biodiversity (Central Highlands - Semi -Coastal ‎Region - Eastern Slopes - Jordan Rift Valley - Gaza Strip), in addition ‎to four phytogeographical regions (Mediterranean - Irano -Turanian - ‎Saharo -Arabian - Sudanese/Ethiopian).‎


The Fifth National Report was coordinated by the International Union ‎for Conservation of Nature - Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN – ‎ROWA), Amman, Jordan.‎

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP-ROWA), and the ‎World Conservation Union (IUCN-ROWA), provided financial, and ‎technical support to the development of this National Report on ‎Biodiversity.

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