جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah's Ecology Friends Association recently organized a ‎symposium on the role of ecotourism in sustainable development. The ‎event was attended by representatives of Palestine Association for ‎Education and Environmental Protection, and Tourism Development ‎Association as well as a number of An-Najah's staff, and students. ‎

The symposium was held at the library's conference room in the New ‎Campus, and hosted Mr. Muhannad Al-Saaydeh from the Auja Eco ‎Center in Jericho.‎

Mr. Al-Saaydeh gave a presentation on tourism in Palestine. He also ‎talked about ecotourism, and how it helps in community development ‎by providing the alternate source of livelihood to local community ‎which is more sustainable.‎

The symposium covered number of topics most important are ‎sustainable tourism, the definition of ecotourism, its forms, and ‎ecotourism impact on economy, society and environment.

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