جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The elections for the Students’ Union Council was held on November 17, 2006 at An-Najah University’s Old Campus. A total of 13,830 students, about 84% of the total number of university students, voted in the elections. The election resulted in an equal percentage of votes for both the Youth Block and the Islamic block. Each block gained 38 seats in the general conference of students’ council, leaving the Al-Quds Block and the Islamic Group each with two seats, and the Prisoners Block with only one.
The university set up sixty polling boxes for voting, situated in six locations: The old campus, the new campus, Hisham Hijawi College of Technology campus and the Khadori Campus in Tulkarm. On November 16, 2006, the elections committee organized a day for all student blocks to offer half hour presentations about their programs and election campaigns.
The university president thanked the Elections Committee, the Student Affairs Deanship, the university employees, and students for their considerable commitment that brought the elections to fruition. “The elections were held in a quiet and democratic atmosphere. This in turn reflected the responsibility the students have and their care about their university and its achievements,” said University President Prof. Rami Hamdallah.

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