جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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A cooperation agreement has been signed between An-Najah National University and the University of Seville in Spain. The Agreement was signed by the University President, Professor Rami Hamdallah, and Professor Maria Jose Lera, representing the Faculty of Psychology and Dr Miguel Florenico, Rector Magfco.
The two parties stated that the signing institutions are united by mutual interests and goals in academic and cultural fields and that the nature, purpose, and goals of universities make them the most appropriate institutions to establish channels of communication permitting an exchange of scientific and cultural knowledge. The agreement goes on to state that universities are institutions with their own legal structure that permits them to develop agreements of this kind for the optimum achievement of the goals to which they aspire and that, in the context of the above, the signatories declare their interest in carrying out scientific, academic, and cultural exchanges that will permit them to enhance their academic ties; they will establish adequate means for doing this.
They also decided to authorize an Agreement of collaboration between the two institutions, in pursuit of exchanging their experiences and personnel in the areas of teaching, research, and culture, within the fields in which they have a manifest interest. And, in order to bring this about, the parties agreed to develop annual programmes of scientific and cultural exchange that will include the development of joint research projects; programmes to carry out postgraduate studies or research; the exchange of professors, researchers, or fellows; the exchange of information concerning their organization, structure, and operations, as well as the development of annual programs, offering of courses, seminars, symposia and so on in which professors from both institutions take part. They also agreed to exchange books and other publications and to distribute them through established channels.

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