جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The university has hosted an exhibition, Portraits of Palestine, by British photographer Rich Wiles. The Exhibition was organized in collaboration with the British Council and opened by British Council General Director Ken Churchill and University President Professor Rami Hamdallah.
Rich Wiles says he consciously avoids the dramatic media-styled images of the world’s press, which can sometimes paint a very polarised and distorted vision of Palestine and its people. Instead, he endeavours to show the rigors of daily life in Palestine and the humanity and resilience with which these challenges are met.
These are portraits of people attempting to bring up their families, live in a secure family home and grow-up, work, study and travel. Wiles said the project was never intended as a documentary on the occupation but rather a more intimate and personal study of the lives of people living in Palestine, specifically in the West Bank.

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