جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On June 29, An-Najah National University organized a conference on the Future Development of the Palestinian Ghor (Jordan Valley). The conference took place in Jericho and was organized in collaboration with the Jericho Governorate. The organizers aimed to raise awareness of the situation in this strategically important area, and to push forward its development.
The total area of the Ghor is estimated to 2200 km². It remains a key issue in regional negotiations, since it is the main source of water for this dry land, and according to UN resolutions 242 and 338 forms part of the territories Israel has been occupying illegally since the war of 1967. These resolutions stipulate clearly that Israel has no right to or mandate over the territories they invaded in 1967, which includes the whole West Bank, the Dead Sea, and the Jordan River.
Despite restrictions and interference by Israel, international aid organizations were nonetheless able to implement an important number of projects in the region, mostly in the field of agricultural development. Over the past 5 years, 63 projects were completed in the Ghor, for a total investment of 93 million dollars. Currently, the donor countries are preparing a meeting to study the further development of the Ghor lands in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program. UNDP, the strategic planning of further development seems especially urgent since Israel is planning to construct more settlements in the region.
Conference speakers drew attention to Israel’s plans to confiscate more land in the Ghor, and rallied for an augmentation of support so that the growing needs of Palestinian villagers living in the area can be met. There is a pressing shortage of housing projects for Palestinians, and a need for increased investment in agriculture in the region. Lastly, speakers also called on neighboring countries to open up their markets to Ghor produce.

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