جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Monday, March 7th, the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University hosted the Palestinian artist, Sulaiman Mansour from the Palestinian Association of Contemporary Art. The artist was received by Dr. Hasan N’erat, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, in addition to a number of faculty staff and students.

Dr. N’erat first welcomed the guest and pointed out the important role that contemporary art plays in expressing one’s self and ideas. Mansour on his part spoke about the role that Palestinian artists play in promoting and supporting art, as well as their contribution to the Palestinian cause through their artwork that includes abstract paintings; those paintings which reflect and embody the Palestinian suffering under the occupation.

Mansour also mentioned that the Palestinian artwork is among the most expressive art in the world since most of the themes embedded in the Palestinian artist’s work are derived from the reality that the artist lives everyday.

During the workshop also, Mansour discussed with the audience the possible ways to support the Palestinian contemporary art and artists and how to make this art a heritage that is passed on from one generation to the next.

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