جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University continuously challenges the present to shape the future based on its well-known history since its establishment. To achieve this, there are three basic pathways that have been running parallel to each other at the university. These are high education, scientific research, and community service. The establishment of the Poison Control and Drug Information Center (PCDIC) was a spontaneous result to help accomplish these goals. The PCDIC is among a group of scientific research centers at the university that work to complement each other, and are an obvious indicator of the responsibility and vision of the university.The establishment of the PCDIC was in response to the need of the Palestinian community given the increase in poisoning cases that are occurring continuously. The PCDIC currently provides help and guidance to health care providers and to the public regarding what needs to be done in cases of poisoning with medications, pesticides, cleaning agents, and others.

The center is equipped with various books and periodicals, in addition to the Micromedex software that is used by all other poison centers in the world.  It operates through a toll-free number (1-800-500-000) and is answered 24/7/365. This service has been of priceless value during the Gaza crises since many have been calling to inquire about the chemicals that have been used and how they should be treated.The PCDIC has conducted distinguished scientific research that was published in international peer reviewed journals in the USA and EU. This was made possible by the scientific team composed of the center’s director Dr. Ansam Sawalha, Dr. Waleed Sweileh, Dr. Sa’ed Zyoud, and Dr. Samah Al-Jabi. Examples of such research include: medication dosing errors in patients with renal diseases, antidote stocking in north Palestine, Strokes, Diabetes, Self-medications, and many others that could be viewed by visiting the website for the PCDIC.

Dr. Sawalha was granted full membership at the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, which is the first time a Palestinian citizen has ever received such a membership. This came as a result of the distinguished role played by Dr. Sawalha in the field of toxicology. Additionally, the PCDIC has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was listed on its website amongst the other poison centers located in the Middle East.
Among the distinguished activities conducted by the PCDIC is the Poison Prevention Week that is held annually in April. This week aims to raise the awareness toward decreasing accidental poisoning.
The fact that the PCDIC has reached this distinguished place would not have been possible without the continuous help and support from the University president, the president of the board of trustees, and other board members. In addition, our thanks go to the PADICO Company who has generously donated the money required to launch this very important center.

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