جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On May 23rd 2010, the Continuing Education Center (CEC) in cooperation with the Faulty of Nursing and Midwifery organized a training course on advanced cardiac intensive care in which a large number of workers and specialists in the field of nursing as well as students from the faculty of Nursing at the University participated.
The course, which will continue over five days at the laboratories of the Faculty of Nursing, will be supervised by a team of experts in the field of cardiac care from the Faculties of Medicine and Nursing in addition to a number of international experts. This course will consist of lectures followed by intensive practical training which will be conducted at the Faculty's laboratories.

Dr. Adnan Sarhan, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, said that the faculty plans to launch a large number of training programs in cooperation with the CEC in order to draw a balance between the theoretical and practical education that the students receive. In addition to the ongoing cardiac intensive care training course, the Faculty plans for similar courses that will address several topics such as advanced burns care, dealing with psychological crises, first aid and many others.
Dr. Musaddaq Al-Masri, Director of the Continuing Education Center, mentioned that the CEC seeks to provide the students at the University with unique opportunities to get educated about different fields of knowledge so as to become qualified members in their society. Such courses that the CEC is continuously organizing equip students with what they need in order to perform properly and competitively inside and outside Palestine.
Furthermore, Dr. Al-Masri said that the Center is going to organize a number of training courses in the different fields of engineering, law, language and others in the near future.

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