جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The Poison Control and Drug Information Center (PCDIC) in collaboration with the Community Service Center participated in an educational and health-promoting workshop in the area of poison prevention at the Women Association Center in village of Aqraba, Nablus.  The workshop was attended by Dr. Sa'ed Zyoud, toxicology information specialist, and Ms. Afnan Hassan, specialist of psychological health at the Community Service Center, in addition to many women and housewives from Aqraba village.

 In his talk, Dr. Zyoud talked about the definition of poisons, how does poisoning occur, and examples of poisons around us.  Particular emphasis was given to the accidental poisoning, while Dr. Zyoud gave great attention to the procedures that could prevent accidental poisoning and consequently protects the children from such incidents.  This can be done through safe storage of chemicals, he mentioned.  Dr. Zyoud explained the actions that should be taken after poisoning and the importance of calling the toll-free number of the PCDIC which is 1800-500-000.  Additionally, the PCDIC's mission is to support activities that promote poison prevention, and that the PCDIC staff is giving their best to achieve a status of poison-free society in Palestine.

Dr. Ansam Sawalha, director of PCDIC, expressed her sincere appreciation to the Community Service Center and for its program that is being conducted at Aqraba and other towns east of Nablus area.  Dr. Sawalha announced that the PCDIC is ready to work with all sectors of Palestinian community to spread its mission to the largest sector of the community in order to prevent poisoning.

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