جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on September 10th between An-Najah University and San Fransisco State University to promote cooperation between the two universities. The agreement was made with the desire to expand scholarly ties including staff and student exchange, scientific research, and co-teaching especially in the field of Political Science and American Studies.

This agreement which was signed by Prof. Maher Natsheh, Acting President of An-Najah and Dr. Leslie Wong, President of SF State, has been established in the prospective of strengthening dialogue and intercultural understanding and awareness between the people of Palestine and the people of The United States.

The agreement was signed following a visit by Dr. Rabab Abdelhadi from SF State to An-Najah when she met with An-Najah senior staff and reached the above mentioned agreement.


-          During her visit, Dr. Rabab met with Dr. Kherieh Rassas, VP for International Development and External Affairs and the International Office team, Dr. Saed Koni, VP for Administrative Affairs, and Dr. Mohammad Amleh, VP for Academic Affairs.

-          The meeting was also attended by Mr. Jame Veve, Puerto Rican Trade unionist. 

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