جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University welcomed a delegation of esteemed scholars from the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) on Sunday, May 21, for a visit aimed at fostering academic exchange and exploring potential collaborations. The visit took place at the University’s Old Campus Library.

The objective of the visit was to introduce the visiting US scholars to An-Najah's vibrant academic culture and facilitate discussions on potential areas of collaboration. This unique opportunity allowed An-Najah National University to engage with leading scholars in various disciplines, paving the way for future academic partnerships.

Prior to the meeting at the library, the delegation had the privilege of meeting with An-Najah President, Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, and Dr. Abdel Salam Al-Khayyat, Vice President for Academic Affairs.

During the meeting, a short video highlighting An-Najah University's international achievements, facts, and figures was screened, providing an overview of the institution's academic excellence. Both parties engaged in fruitful discussions, exchanging ideas and exploring different topics.

The library meeting brought together a distinguished group of professors from An-Najah University and the esteemed scholars from PARC. The primary focus of this gathering was to familiarize the US scholars with An-Najah's rich academic culture while identifying potential avenues for fruitful academic collaboration.

During the meeting, An-Najah University professors provided a comprehensive overview of the institution's rich academic heritage and its wide range of disciplines, emphasizing the University's dedication to quality education, research, and community development. The US scholars were impressed by the wealth of knowledge and expertise present at An-Najah University and expressed their enthusiasm for potential joint initiatives.

The meeting served as a valuable platform for open discussions, where participants exchanged ideas, shared research interests, and identified potential areas for collaboration. Both parties acknowledged the tremendous potential for joint research projects, faculty and student exchanges, joint conferences, and other academic initiatives that would contribute to advancing knowledge and fostering intercultural understanding.

As part of the visit, the US scholars were given a tour of the Fine Arts Faculty in the University’s New Campus, providing them with a glimpse into the University's commitment to artistic and cultural education.  The tour was hosted by Dr. Monther Dweikat and his colleagues.

The visiting scholars demonstrated diverse interests, encompassing Social and Health Work, History, Anthropology, American Literature, Africana and African American Studies, English Writing, Reading, and Sociology. Their varied expertise opens up promising prospects for interdisciplinary cooperation between An-Najah National University and PARC.

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