جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Applications for the 2023 "Research Partnership Grants" call for projects are open. Applications can be submitted until August 21, 2023.

The "Research Partnership Grants" call for projects aims to develop new joint research projects or to connect already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and in the partner countries of the MENA region, with the aim of creating long-term cooperation. The purpose of this instrument is to enable researchers to conduct desk work, field research or laboratory feasibility studies, in order to prepare grant applications to other funding bodies (national funding bodies or EU funding programs), and/or to develop long-term partnerships between two institutions or research groups.

The "Research Partnership Grants" instrument has already been launched in 2021 and 2022. The call for projects for 2023 is currently open. The text for this call is available below.

Grant amount

Max. CHF 15,000 per project

Number of grants available

Approximately 10

Project duration

Max. 12 months

Eligible Swiss institutions

Federal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teachers’ education, as well as public research institutions

Eligible countries

All 17 countries of the MENA region (see call document for full list)

Application deadline

21.08.2023, 5pm (Swiss time)

Information and application


The instrument is similar to the call that was launched in October 2021 and in May 2022, but some minor changes have been made to the call regulation. 

Please read the document carefully and contact us if you have any questions: [email protected]

For more information, please click here

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