جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University in collaboration with our partner 7amleh are happy to invite you to “the 8th Palestine Digital Activism Forum (PDAF 2024)” which will take place online on June 4th and 5th.

An annual platform that discusses and explores the challenges Palestinians face in the digital sphere, and how as a civil society we can ensure the protection of Palestinians' digital and human rights. The forum hosts hundreds of speakers and representatives from various local and international organizations annually. 
PDAF aims to protect Palestinian digital rights by providing a platform to discuss the challenges civil society actors and digital activists face. It is an annual opportunity to exchange experiences and expertise among all those working in the field. 

This year the theme is Artificial Intelligence (AI): Revolutionary Promises & Discriminatory Realities, given the importance and impact the topic has on the lives of Palestinians, especially in light of the war on Gaza. It examines the risks AI has on Palestinians in all areas of life including the digital space: starting from surveillance systems that threaten the lives of Palestinians, the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous weapons, to social media, and the systematic censorship of Palestinian content and narrative. Nevertheless, it also explores the use of AI for social good and the positive impact it can have. 

The first day of the forum will have four sessions: Risks of AI, AI’s impact on social good, Generative AI - bias and discrimination and other risks in ChatGPT, AI regulations, legislation, and Human Rights.  Including an interview with the Palestinian Transport and Communications Minister. 

The second day will involve workshops on different topics such as AI for digital activism, effective Integration of AI Insights into Advocacy Campaigns, Preventing Malicious Use of AI, and more. 

For the full Agenda & Guest Speakers: 


For Registration: 


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