جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Wednesday, April8, 2021, An-Najah National University through its EU-Projects Coordinator office organized a virtual workshop titled “Needs Assessment and Benchmarking Study” within the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE project: Reinforcing access to cross border employment at Palestinian higher education institutions-PHEIs. / REACH.

Participants and representatives from the partner institutions: An-Najah National University, Al-Quds Open University, Birzeit University, Palestine Polytechnic University, the project coordinator (the Islamic University of Gaza,) and the project stakeholders in the West Bank actively participated in the workshop which was held via Zoom platform.

REACH is an Erasmus+ EU funded Project. It aims to enhance the capacity of Palestinian higher education institutions in promoting cross border employability of graduates, and provide them with the capabilities for effective cross border working to enable them to develop their potential and participate actively in sustainable economic development in Palestine.

The workshop aimed to present and discuss the results of the focus groups which have been conducted by each partner universities, for the selected skill categories (IT, Linguistic and translation, engineering, freelancing, and soft skills).

It included discussions on how to include further skills (modules), and how to focus on the results and recommendations which resulted from the literature review, benchmarking study and needs assessment implemented within WP1 activities of the project. Also, it included the grounding for WP2: Design and Materials Development for Training Programme.

The workshop was concluded with recommendations on how to develop the cross border working capability at the Palestinian HEIs and how to upgrade the training program for the selected modules and skills.

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