جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Throughout the year, the center has implemented several programs aimed at serving marginalized groups within society, including the elderly, people with disabilities, children, women, youth, impoverished families, and patients, as part of its endeavors to uphold human rights and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. Raed Debiy, the director of the center and the assistant to the president for social affairs, affirmed that the blessed month of Ramadan has its own distinctiveness, where donations and charitable acts multiply to cover a broader spectrum of society. He highlighted the pivotal role played by the center and the university in promoting social solidarity and cohesion, as they contribute to enhancing social bonds and solidarity.

Ms. Afnan Nimer, underscored the importance of integration efforts among local community institutions in pursuit of An-Najah University's social responsibility. Through the Orphan Sponsorship Program, sponsorships and assistance were distributed to 120 families. Additionally, an iftar gathering was arranged during Ramadan for approximately 120 individuals from families enrolled in the orphan sponsorship program, accompanied by the distribution of gifts. Moreover, clothing vouchers were distributed to 28 children in collaboration with Al Mahtta Association for Development and Public Policy in Jenin refugee camp.

Around 60 food parcels and vouchers were allocated to seniors as part of the Elderly Care Program, further supplemented by the provision of essential living necessities.

As part of the Goodness Forum program, Mr. Mohamad Jetan outlined a range of support provided to those in need, including cash assistance for 20 cases, 300 kilograms of bread for 10 families monthly, and distribution of 240 packs of diapers for 60 families. Additionally, 50 clothing vouchers were given to needy families for Eid,  while medical services, such as examinations, X-rays, surgeries, and medications, were extended to 15 cases. Over 300 food parcels were distributed, and coordination was established with 50 cases to provide assistance. Moreover, a Ramadan iftar was organized for 60 Gazan workers at the municipal stadium.

Engineer Osama Bani Odeh completed the rehabilitation of housing in 5 cases within the Housing Rehabilitation Program and is currently engaged in ongoing efforts to rehabilitate two additional cases involving families facing severe environmental and economic conditions.

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