جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The pleasure of success lies in our quest for it, not in reaching it. Reaching the top requires great effort without surrender at any point. The hardest stage in my life was the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Tawjihi) that made me what I am now. After Tawjihi, I chose to be part of the Public Relations and Communication Department at An-Najah National University as this specialization has received attention from many local and international companies.

By: Aseel Al Damen, Public Relations and Communication Department

People in general always aspire to develop their abilities. This specialization played a substantial role in refining my character and enhancing my personal skills such as communication and team work skills.

Public Relations is not limited only to theory, but also has practical training making it even more fun. The program also gives the students the opportunity to be involved in the Palestinian labor market and gain practical and scientific experience. Therefore, I strongly recommend the students to join this program and improve their skills.

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