جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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I cannot imagine experiencing greater breadth and depth in a two-week ‎visit to Palestine. The Zajel program is exhilarating: every moment is ‎squeezed for its utmost potential. I've learned so much, amassing ‎impressions that I will be thinking about, feeling, and analyzing for years ‎to come. The history that I learned from books is now deeply rooted ‎through connections to the places and people we encountered, and ‎enhanced by Zajel Program. The contrasts of resilience and oppression, ‎joy and limitation, leave me speechless.‎

By: ‎ Kathrine - USA

Juxtaposed with this silence are happy chatter and warm conversations ‎with the students. I feel honored that young Palestinians gave so much of ‎their time and attention to an American visitor. This felt like a true ‎exchange, where I was able to share my authentic self--my cares and ‎commitments--and to hear theirs. This is the strongest impression I will ‎bring back to the United States, and share with my students there: the ‎similarity of their hopes, interests, and attitudes, contrasted with the ‎differences of their circumstances under occupation. Furthermore, I ‎benefited from the world-class professors and facilities of An-Najah, ‎while also lamenting the ways that they are marginalized. I can't speak for ‎Palestinians, and there is much more for me to learn. But I do hope to ‎serve as a connector, inspiring curiosity and critical thinking from my ‎colleagues, students, friends and family about this beautiful and fraught ‎land.‎

Thank you Zajel for supporting the capacities of student leaders, so ‎critical to the future of Palestine.‎

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