جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The desert trip is one of the top features of the program, I really enjoy being in the desert, it is quite a humbling experience. I enjoy the spaciousness and sensation of being so close to nature and the wildness and baroness of being there under the strong sun.

By: Vince Smith

I love looking at the dunes and rocky outcrops, the wild animals, birds, camels, and it’s such a different experience from my life back home. It’s really beautiful and I was really happy to be there.

I really enjoyed the sunrise and the opportunity to travel in the dark on broken roads and arrive at our destination at the top to watch the sunrise. We had meditation at the top of the cliff, talking about gratitude and how lucky we all were to be there looking out across the Dead Sea and enjoy the moment together.

I did enjoy going to the mosque, it’s very beautiful. It’s great to share moments with my muslim colleagues and friends and respect the traditions on antiquity.

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