جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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My name is Thara' Turk, a Master's student of physics at An-Najah National ‎University and I have finished my Bachelor degree in 2016 from there.‎

By: Thara' Turk

My journey began when I participated in the activities of the First Winter School of ‎High Energy Physics in Palestine (WISHEPP-I) which was organized by the Physics ‎Department and attended by prominent international research centres such as LAL, ‎Paris Sud 11 and others. The specialists gave various lectures and seminars on high ‎physics energy flaming my heart to discover more about this science.‎

Dr. Ahmed Bassalat, Chair of the School inspired me to do my thesis in high energy ‎physics and elementary particles.‎

In 2017, I obtained the first WISHEPP scholarship allowing me to be part of Trans ‎European School of High Energy Physics in Slovenia. There, I met with several ‎scientists, researchers and specialists in high energy physics from different parts of ‎the world and I learned a lot through intensive lectures. I also discussed my research ‎project titled: "Performance Study for ATLAS Inner ‎Tracker".‎

After An-Najah's Physics Department in cooperation with LAL in France gave ‎approval of my Master's thesis research, I received my second WISHEPP grant in ‎‎2017 to begin conducting my Master's thesis at LAL under the supervision of Dr. ‎Bassalat from An-Najah and Dr. David Russo from LAL.‎

Spending time at LAL has enriched my experience on different levels and being with ‎ATLAS group in particular increased my love to learn more about high energy ‎physics.‎

After completing my four-month scholarship at LAL, I moved to the European ‎Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland to be part of a ‎summer school with 300 students from different parts of the world. I spent two ‎months at CERN where I attended a series of lectures given by distinguished ‎scientists in elementary particle science, astrology and others as well as other ‎workshops and a research project presentation for training titled: "The state of Art Of ‎Monte Carlo for ‎tt+W and tt+Z Processes‏"‏‎.‎

Activities:‎ The Third Winter School of ‎High Energy Physics in Palestine (WISHEPP ‎III)‎

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