جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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In an effort to mark the World Breast Cancer Awareness Month celebrated in October each year, raise awareness on breast cancer, and promote screening and prevention of the disease, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs at An-Najah National University, organized an awareness day on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

October has been designated as the Pink Month. The Pink Month is a month where efforts to educate those concerned about the disease, including early identification and signs and symptoms associated.

The awareness day featured a number of booths and activities that aimed at supporting people diagnosed with breast cancer, educating people about breast cancer risk factors, and stressing the importance of regular screening.

It was part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and presented an opportunity to increase awareness and visibility for those who are championing and fighting for scientific advances.

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