جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Based on An-Najah National University's mission, which is to serve as a leader in scientific research, and promote its role locally, regionally and internationally, the University established the "China - Palestine and Middle East Center for Industrial Parks Planning Technology".

The establishment of this Center comes within the framework of an MOU signed between the University and the Palestinian Industrial Estates and Free Industrial Zones (PIEFZA), and a cooperation agreement between An-Najah National University and Southeast University (SEU) in Nanjing, China, as well as a joint research project on “Planning Industrial Parks in Palestine” during (2017-2020), which is funded by the Chinese government and part of the "Belt and Road" initiative. This initiative was launched by the Chinese government in 2015 to develop infrastructure in various countries.

The Center aims to promote sustainable planning of industrial parks in Palestine and the Middle East, promote expertise exchange and joint programs, and reinforce cooperation in terms of joint research and visit exchange between Palestine, the Middle East and China in different fields. It also aims to establish and develop cooperation projects with relevant official bodies in Palestine and the Middle East to lay the foundation, and set the criteria required for planning and developing sustainable industrial parks in Palestine.

The Center focuses on conducting research studies on sustainable planning of industrial parks to serve the local development application on planning and designing industrial parks.

On this occasion, Prof. Maher Natsheh, An-Najah President said that that the University is working on more future developments to maintain its status and achieve excellence in different fields.

Director of the "China - Palestine and Middle East Industrial Parks Planning Technology Center, and faculty member at the Urban Planning Engineering Department of An-Najah Dr. Ali Abdul Hameed, pointed out that this Center will include a number of well- qualified staff of local and international researchers from Palestine, the Middle East, and China, and will have an advisory council that includes a number of members interested in planning industrial parks in Palestine, the Middle East and China.

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