جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Monday, August 24, 2020, An-Najah National University and the Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry launched the Palestinian social and solidarity economy (SSE) and public administrators (PA) actors roundtable of MoreThanAJob Project.

MoreThanAJob is a project funded under the EU “ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin” Programme. It aims at reinforcing social and solidarity economy for the unemployed, uneducated and refugees, with the participation of five countries: Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Greece and Italy.

The University was represented by Dr. Imad Ibrik, Project Director, Mr. Rafe Daraghmeh, Director of the Alumni Unit, while the Nablus Chamber was represented by Mr. Omar Hashem, Chamber Chairman, Mr. Iyad Al-Kurdi, member of the Chamber's Board of Directors and Mr. Issam Abu Zaid, Director General of the Chamber. The roundtable was also attended by the PA actors and the project staff.

This activity helped to gather and approximate SSEs and PAs recommendations for the needed changes in public administration policies. The discussion was about clarifying MoreThanAJob current track, discussing its followed employment policies, the main obstacles, and recommendations.

Dr. Ibrik clarified that the project's main activities will be based on preparing a report on the best practices in social schemes to the benefit of unemployment of ‎vulnerable populations. It will deliver and demonstrate a framework of best practices for ‎inclusion of the unemployed (including refugees and uneducated) in the work and education ‎system. The framework is based on the collaboration of SSE actors and public ‎authorities for delivering more effectively their services. He mentioned that this report is already done, and another report describing the modalities of implementing the MoreThanAJob framework will be prepared as well.

Dr. Ibrik also added: "Training seminars for SSE actors will take place, and new and improved policy suggestions will be taken into consideration. Furthermore, in order for the SSE initiatives to be ‎efficient, effective collaboration with the public authorities is fundamental, and‎ policy recommendations will be submitted." In addition, the project will develop a virtual multilingual interactive space (portal) to enrich the interaction ‎between the Social and Solidarity Economy and the Public administration.  The ‎portal will facilitate exchanges and cooperation beyond the face-to-face interactions ‎during the project duration and beyond.

In turn, Mr. Daraghmeh mentioned that there will be internal and external committees to assess two pilot sub-projects in each of the participating countries. These projects will be supported to offer more job opportunities for the youth.

It is worth mentioning that the project's team in Palestine discussed with the actors of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and public administration (PA) the following topics: the changes required for implementing the MoreThanAJob framework, modalities for applying the framework , and national policies in the field of interest of the project (unemployment, collaboration between the public sector and SSE actors) as well as the way that policies need to be adapted for implementing the MoreThanAJob framework in the most efficient way.

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