جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The International Youth Exchange Programme (Zajel) of An-Najah's Public Relations Department has organized a workshop titled: "My Volunteering Experience in Russia" which was moderated by student Jameel Daraghmeh who has been recently part of an international volunteer camp in Russia.

The workshop aimed at introducing the students to the international volunteer camps database available to them through the Service Civil International (SCI)*. Daraghmeh talked about his experience in Russia and how to apply for such camps, which websites to visit and the importance of this experience in promoting cultural and intellectual openness. He also encouraged the students to be part of this amazing experience and exhibited a group of photos on life in Russia and travelling instructions.

*(SCI) is an international non-governmental voluntary service organization and peace movement with 43 branches and groups worldwide. The organization was founded in 1920 by Swiss engineer Pierre Cérésole. It is also known as International Voluntary Service in a number of English-speaking countries and as Voluntary Service International in Ireland.

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