جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The seminar touched upon the importance of cultural diversity in today’s globalized world and the dialogue of civilizations.

On Thursday, November 26th, 2015 An-Najah’s Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training and the English Department hosted Professor Kazuma Matoba, Lecturer at Munich University to talk to students about cultural diversity.

The seminar touched upon the importance of cultural diversity in today’s globalized world and the dialogue of civilizations.

Professor Matoba talked about the importance of intellectual and cultural diversity in Palestine as a country suffering lack of communication with other nations since 1967. He added that it is important to reinforce cultural diversity among students and community individuals to enrich their experiences and encouraged the attendees to meet with various cultures and be ambassadors to their cause in different parts of the world.

Dr. Nabil Alawi, Associate Professor at the Department of English stated that the workshop drew the students’ attention to the importance of internal and cultural dialogues.


  • The workshop was part of the “Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression in Palestinian Universities” Conference which was initiated by Care Centre and the Ethical Journalism Network and supported by the Islamic Arab Bank.
  • The workshop was also attended by representatives from Birzeit University, Hebron University, Bethlehem University, Arab American University of Jenin and Emil Touma Institute in Haifa.

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