جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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I have always been interested in learning new languages as if God has planted ‎love for languages in my heart; by-and-by, this love has turned into a passion ‎that kept pushing me towards my goal. The language that interests me the ‎most is Turkish, probably because of the historical bilateral relationship between ‎Palestine and Turkey.

By: Adham Sayyed‎

Learning a new language is not an easy thing. Before I had started learning ‎Turkish, I faced many obstacles that I had not seen coming. However, like what ‎they say ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’, I took my ‎first step by self-learning some of the language’s basics. But what has actually ‎accelerated my learning process was the Language Resources Centre of An-‎Najah National University.‎

At the Centre, it is not that you only can learn many languages such as Spanish, ‎French, Turkish, English and others, but also you can learn both the language ‎and the speakers' culture in an extraordinary way.‎

Beside the Centre being the main factor in teaching me Turkish, I used an ‎application called ‘Speaky’ that gets you in contact with either a native speaker ‎of the language or another language learner which really assists the language ‎learning process.‎

I am sharing my experience with you hoping that it will encourage those who ‎are afraid of taking the first step into a new learning experience. ‎

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