جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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During our visit to the Italian cities this summer, I learned to rely on myself and manage personal things. Also, I picked up the skill of communicating with others without having the fear of speaking in a foreign language. I also understood during the trip the importance of time discipline and how wasting time will cost you a lot. I learned to respect the turn and the system. Through the trip, I was able to use maps to navigate trains and identify tourist destinations.  

By: Mohammad Zaarour

I was pleased to visit the Vatican building for its effects, drawings, ancient archaeological maps and various museums. I noticed that the traffic system depended on time setting and was highly organized as I noticed that the Italians did not try to bother others while riding or getting off buses and trains. I felt the greatness of Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the Italian engineers and the Vatican's reverence for Christians. 

My trip was one of the most fun trips because of many recreational activities such as the Segway ride and climbing to the top of the dome in the Vatican, one of the largest domes in the worlds. I liked the diversity of Venice in everything. It was very distinguished in every island, and I was impressed with the sites we visited like the tranquil and beautiful island of Torcello with its restaurants and rivers. I noticed the beautiful calmness in nature, the diversity of ethnics and the visitors carrying musical instruments and playing for people in the streets.

My attention was drawn to the Italian people, where they managed to present a beautiful picture of their country, their customs and their famous food. Italy is another world of knowledge, culture and arts. The experience of traveling through the water bus was one of a kind and I was very pleased to experience new things. I enjoyed visiting Italian cities and their water islands.

I got the full experience in using maps, metro, trains and buses. During this trip I learned about the role of the International Youth Exchanger Programme (Zajel) as a global programme that aims to develop participants' personalities and improve their practical skills.

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