جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Upper Preparatory - Teacher in Arabic Language
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 125 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
11000329 English Language II 3

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 96 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
10301110 Arabic Rhetoric 3
This course aims at introducing the elements of the creative process: the creativity, the text, and the recipient, and attempts to identify with the artistic, intellectual, and psychological aspects of the literary text, and propelling students? abilities to receive the text spontaneously; establishing an effective relationship between them and the text, on the one hand, and with the text and its social environment on the other, through high texts from different ages.
This course is designed to introduce the linguistic levels and the morphological status. After this, the course moves to cover a number of morphological topics: morphological derivatives, dualism, I?lal (defectiveness), Ibdal (appositional substantive), reduction, relation, and assimilation, etc. This is coupled with an application of the topics in the form of exercises.
This course covers the following subjects: parts of speech and the functional classifications, the verb and verb classifications, inflected and uninflected nouns, and the inflected and uninflected verbs and their classifications, syntactic, grammatical cases (nominative, accusative and genitive), declension (fully declined nouns, triptotes, diptotes, sound masculine plurals, sound feminine plurals, the definite and indefinite and their types (pronouns, nouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, definite article, nominative nouns), subject and agent, subject and Predicate, Sisters of Inna, and Sisters of Lana. This is coupled with a syntactic application on literary texts.
This course begins with a historical study of the invention of the dictionary by ancient peoples, including the Arabs. Then the course will move to study the first beginnings of an Arabic dictionary, early endeavors in this respect, major Arabic dictionary schools: the phonetics schools pioneered by Al Khalil Ben Ahmad in his book Al-`Ayin; Al- Qafiyya School by Al- Zamakhshari in Asass Al Balagha Dictionary; Raedat Al- Jawhari in Al-Sihah Dictionary; and aphabetic and Abjad writing systems. The course sheds the light on the modern dictionaries: Al- Waseet, Al-Muheet and Al-Munjed, and illustrates the hard efforts in the industry of the historical dictionary, and the endeavors made by the linguistic conclaves in the electronic and computerized dictionaries, alongside with training the students to look at the lexical items in all dictionaries.
10301218 Islamic and Umayyad Literature 3
This course is designed to introduce prosody in terms of resources, terms, role in musical poetry, and the poetic verses and the different anapests, and then to highlight the divisions of poetry schemes: syllables, rhythms, divisions, and defects. In addition, the course addresses the modernization movement in Arabic poetry music: Muwashshah, free verse, and rhythm.
Topics covered in this course include: the origin and development of the Arabic language, and theories that study this development, such as dialects, places, and characteristics. It also studies Arabic?s relationship with Semitic languages, the study of the extinct Arabic epigraphs, the study of the remaining Arabic and its characteristics, the characteristics and features of the mutual languages, and furthermore, duplicity, syntactics and the linguists? viewpoints, derivatives, parsers, synonyms, antonyms, syntax, portmanteau, and discussing the linguists points? of view in the previous cases.
This course is designed to introduce Palestinian popular literature as a means of defending Palestinian identity through the renewal of many rituals, customs and traditions expressed by this genre of literature. Thus, it defines folk literature, its themes, features, length in time and place, and examines certain models from this literature.
    • 10301114
Expanding on the topics discussed earlier in Syntax 1, this course is designed to address the following syntactic and grammatical topics: nouns in the accusative case (passive object, direct and indirect object, absolute object and other objects? types, alongside with their methods, for instance, temptation, warning, competence, and engaging), adverbs (if, whereas, whenever, since, for, etc.), idioms, Haal (condition), exception, and the genitive nouns. There will be grammatical applications to reinforce these topics.
Language is the means of communication and networking, and it is a major media language; so the course aims to strengthen the students? linguistic inventory, and strengthen students? ability to express themselves flawlessly, and to tackle the media and press errors and correct them. The course includes the concepts of media, communication and networking, deliberation, some rules of morphology and syntax, with a focus on numbers, duals, plurals, and monitoring errors contained in these topics, and correct them. Finally, the course deals with the different media topics, and errors and correction.
This course introduces phonology, works of classical Arab scholars in the field, development of phonology by Western linguists, the articulatory system, the manner and rules of sound production, modern phonetic theories that address phoneme and phonology, the structural and nonstructural phonemes, such as Gramont law, parallelism, and violation law. It also studies the phonetic development and the controversial phonemes between the old and modern schools.
This course is designed to address Palestinian literature in its different times and places: Palestinian literature before 1948, exile literature as well as poetry of the Nakba (disaster 1948), resistance literature in occupied Palestine between the years 1948 and 1967, prose poetry and free verse, and a study of the Palestinian writers Ibrahim Touqan, Abd- Al Karim Al Karmi (Abu Salma), Tawfiq Sayegh, Tawfiq Ziad, and Mahmoud Darwish. The course also studies the Palestinian novel in terms of origins, evolution, the most prominent symbols in exile and in Palestine, such as Ghassan Kanafani, Emil Habibi. It also considers the short story in different environments and at different times, so as to cover the short story map since its very beginning until Al-Aqsa Intifada, and chooses the models of Najati Sodqi, Sameera Azzam, Mahmoud Shuqair, Tawfiq Fayyad, Liana Bader, Akram Haneyya; furthermore, it covers distinct autobiographies such as those by Fadwa Touqan, and Jabra. I. Jabra.
    • 10301118 or
    • 10301218 or
    • 10301117
This course is designed to introduce students to the literary and intellectual life in the Abbasid Era (132-656), and identify the impact of amusement, lechery, heresy, populism and asceticism in poetry, the process of modernizing and the most prominent trends in poetry, alongside with the identifying the masters of poetry (Bashar, Abu Nawwas, Abu Al-Atahya, Abu Tammam, Al Buhturi, Ibn Al Rumi, Al Mutanabbi, Abu Firas Al Hamadani, and Al Ma?arri). Finally, the course examines literary texts and shows the artistic characteristics of this poetry.
    • 10301223
Expanding on the topics discussed in Syntax 1 and 2, this course studies the present tense in the accusative and subjunctive cases, appositives, the indeclinable, assertive and non-assertive conditionals, subordinates, adjectives, Badal (apposition), rhetoric joining, conjunctions, assertion, and acting nouns as verbs (gerund, participle, imagery, and superlative). There will be grammatical applications to reinforce these topics.
This course is designed to study the language and its role in society, and track language changes related to duplicity, the language of the sexes, the masculinity of language, language of craftsmen, and AlTaghlib (subjugating one phrase with the attributes of another). The course explains the impact of the environment on the tongue, and illustrates the language of discourse, deliberation and pragmatics, and demonstrates the social theories and their relation to the interpretation of the language.
10301440 Methods of Literary Criticism 3
10513111 Introduction to Curriculum 3
10513211 Practical Training 1 1
This course describes the historical evolution of computer use in education, the international experiences of this usage, the computer programming languages in education, the advantages of the computer in education, and the various applications in both the administrative and educational fields. It also focuses on using the internet to support the process of learning and education. Other topics include: assessing the global sources of information, collaborative learning environment on the internet, searching and restoring of the information. Practically, it aims at providing the students with the necessary skills to help them in designing and producing educational multimedia software based on the teaching design principles. The produced software includes patterns of the known software, like exercise and practice, tutorial, simulation, educational games, dialogue using the authorial tools such as PowerPoint, Photo Story 3 for Windows, or Movie Maker
10513220 Educational Readings in English Language 3
This course describes the educational psychology with its relation to the knowledge of general psychology, the method of applying the concepts of behaviorism and cognitive in the teaching process that facilitates the learning process, the appropriate atmosphere to the teaching process happen, the teaching of children with disabilities and learning disabilities, as well teaching gifted students, how to complete the teaching process, and its measurement.
10513225 Method of Teaching Arabic Language 1 3
The course aims at introducing students to evaluation; its development, aims, and various evaluative methods of selection standards. It also includes different types of tests -constructing them and analyzing them, and how to evaluate students? educational achievement based on the results obtained.
10513311 Practical Training 2 1
    • 10513211
10513312 Practical Training 3 1
    • 10513311
10513313 Practical Training 4 1
    • 10513312
This course begins with a description of the theoretical framework of audio visual educational aids in term of concept, importance characteristics, criteria for use, foundations of their design and production. The course then addresses the concept of the communication process and its elements. The course concludes with design and production of educational aids, by students, in their specialization in harmony with its theoretical framework. Students are expected to make use of modern technology in their design and production of these aids.
10513317 Classroom Management 3
10513325 Methods of Teaching Arabic language 2 3
    • 10513225
10513410 Practical Training 5 2
    • 10513313
10513411 Statistics and Methods for Scientific Research 3
10513420 Practical Training 6 3
10513425 Contemporary Issues and Trends in teaching the Arabic Language 3
    • 10513225
    • 10513420
This course deals with action research concept, aims, types, application on problems and difficulties in learning and teaching in the class and school environment. The student is asked to submit a research project on one of the problems or difficulties faced him/her during practical teaching using all procedures of the action research, and this is done under the supervision of one of his/ her instructors.

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
10513162 Introduction to Psychology 3
This course deals with the concept of active learning in terms of the definition, objectives, basics, characteristics, nature, importance and components. It also addresses the suitable classroom environment for active learning and its pontifications in learning, the strategies and models of active learning( oriented lectures, brainstorming, discovery, problem solving, active group discussion, role playing, acting, story, simulation and case study), teacher?s role in active learning, active learning outside the classroom, active learning and effective thinking, the challenges of active learning, as well as the field applications on the active learning in different fields of study.
10513366 Educational Supervision 3
10513368 Teaching Skills 3
The course includes designing daily lessons and identifying related cognitive, emotional and psychomotor concepts and determining activities, methods, evaluation and acknowledging teaching design in applied and social sciences. It also includes introducing students to tasks that the teacher implements in designing and planning.
Explores the world of entrepreneurship and creativity by examining the processes and techniques used to develop ideas and turn them into successful projects. The course includes understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and the stages of emerging business development, in addition to analyzing the factors that affect the success of entrepreneurial projects and enhancing creativity in various fields.

Free Courses Student must complete 4 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
7303311 Medicinal Plants in Palestine 2
7303312 Cosmetic Products and Community 2
7303433 Pharmacy & Society 2
7404111 Family Health 2
10311197 French Language 2
This course aims at introducing students to the French alphabet, and the way of writing masculine and feminine words, as well as sentence structures: personal pronouns, verbs, and objects (direct and indirect). It also lists daily events using assistance tools such as drawings, pictures, and some short answers: acceptance, rejection, thanking, apology, and justifying the answers.
10816001 Planning and Development 2
It aims to provide students with basic financial knowledge and skills that enable them to make sound financial decisions in their daily and professional lives. The course covers various topics related to personal and corporate money management, and focuses on enhancing financial awareness among students.
Digital marketing is the process of promoting products or services using digital technologies and the Internet. Digital marketing relies on various strategies and advanced tools to reach the target audience, build customer relationships, increase brand awareness, and generate sales. Digital marketing is characterized by its ability to reach a wide audience at a relatively low cost compared to traditional marketing, in addition to the ability to accurately measure and analyze results to make informed decisions.
11000111 Jerusalem 2
11000112 Fighting Corruption : Challenges and Solutions 2
11000118 Public Health 2
11000131 Geography of Palestine 2
This course deals with the concept of family in Islam, its philosophy, importance, the need to it, the legal religious objectives of it, the foundations on which it is based, and the distinguishing characteristics. It also presents the importance of marriage as well as its rules. It also presents the ways by which the marriage bond can be untied once it is impossible to go on marriage despite all reconciliation attempts. It reviews the dangers of false ideas which call for undermining the family and the marriage system as these have their own destructive impacts on religious teachings, human values and on the future on communities. It contributes in presenting and discussing a number of contemporary issues so as to be understood, recognize the opinion of Islamic Shari?ah about it and to find ways to address them such as fender, equality, domestic violence against women, birth control, artificial insemination, the Misyar or altruistic marriage, the temporary marriage and the customary marriage.
This course aims at consolidating the concept of Islamic faith, its importance, characteristics, impacts and position in Muslims? lives. The course also demonstrates some scientific evidences that ensures the existence of Allah, the Almighty, and His Greatness. It addresses the atheists? doubts related to universe, destine, and the Day of Judgement. It also defines the meaning of monotheism, its types, requirements, contradictions; it presents the role of prophets in establishing the monotheism faith in people?s lives by narrating the stories of prophets Moses and Ibrahim with their nations. It briefly talks about the other pillars of Islam.
Topics addressed in this course include concept of sira (biography), its sources, importance, benefit, qualities, most important contemporary suspicions around the Qur'anic narrative and responses to them; study of the most important events in the life of the Messenger, peace be upon him, from birth to death. This course is a detailed analytical study of the prophet's biography and the lessons that can be drawn from it.
It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts and practices in management science. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply management principles in various organizational settings. The course includes diverse topics covering all major aspects of management, from planning and organizing to leadership and control.
It aims to introduce students to the basics of debates and develop their skills in analysis, persuasion, and effective communication. The course focuses on teaching students how to formulate and present arguments logically and convincingly, as well as understanding the rules and techniques of successful debate.
It aims to introduce students to the basics of debates and develop their skills in analysis, persuasion, and effective communication. The course focuses on teaching students how to formulate and present arguments logically and convincingly, as well as understanding the rules and techniques of successful debate.
11000155 Poison Prevention 2
Aim to provide students with basic knowledge and concepts related to investment. This course covers a range of topics that help students understand how to make informed investment decisions and analyze the returns and risks associated with various investments. The course provides a comprehensive overview of types of investment assets, financial markets, and investment strategies.
11000158 Medications and Community 2
11000161 Engineering & Society 2
11000162 Environment in Palestine 2
11000163 التغذية والصحة 2
11000165 Earthquake Mitigation 2
11000166 Genetics and Society 2
11000167 University Psychological Adaptation 2
11000168 Principles of Ocupational Saftey 2
11000169 Risk Assessment and Management 2
11000173 Sign Language 2
11000175 Democracy, Human Rights & International Human Rights 2
11000176 القانون و المجتمع 2
11000331 English Conversation Skills 3
11000332 English Writing Skills 3
11000333 The Art of Writing and Expressing 2
11000334 Historical and Tourist Tracks 2
11201101 Introduction to Musicology 2
11201102 Introduction to Music Education 3
Studying the musical production of the Palestinian people, and identifying the style of popular music. Palestinian, and analysis of popular music at the instrumental and lyrical levels. Research into the characteristics of instrumental music and its popular singing features. Study and analysis of the various forms and templates of popular music. Identifying examples of popular songs and types of popular musical instruments, in terms of their manufacture, sound structure, and methods of playing them.
The course aims to learn collective singing of a repertoire of Palestinian and Arab national anthems and songs.

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