جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Speech Pathology
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 138 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
Remedial English (E10032100) is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
University English I (E11000103) is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it provides students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
This course aims to familiarize students with community institutions and their contribution through voluntary efforts to serve these institutions to achieve the SDGs. Students are required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service to successfully pass the course. Additionally, students must attend 6 guidance sessions on volunteer work and participate in intensive training for selected community service programs if they choose to engage in such programs.
The course aims to assist students in acquiring modern concepts in the field of communication and understanding the essential skills for effective communication with oneself and others. This is achieved through the use of effective teaching methods that rely on student engagement and motivation to learn through training and self-directed learning. The course emphasizes skill development through teamwork and interactive methods, helping students improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills by learning public speaking and the fundamentals of oration. Additionally, it helps students develop active listening skills, and contributes to enhancing their abilities in dialogue and persuasion, overcoming public speaking anxiety, self-promotion, negotiation, job interviews, presentation and delivery, and writing. The course also provides students with knowledge about innovative and creative ideas that can be implemented, as well as how to write a resume. Furthermore, the course aims to refine students' personalities through participation in group presentations.
This course aims to enrich students with the basic computer skills alongside with the theoretical and practical backgrounds behind those skills. First of all, software and hardware components of a computer are discussed. This forms the substrate from which a student can realize the practical applications of a computer, especially in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thereafter, the student awareness for the security vulnerabilities of a computer system is improved through discussing the threats associated with the absolute dependability on the Internet in storing critical data. This is conducted with presenting the basic secure Internet frameworks for students with emphasis on scientific research platforms (ResearchGate, Google Scholar, LinkedIn,?etc). Finally, word processing, statistical analysis and presentation software are discussed with practical applications in the lab.
University English II (E11000324) is a three-credit hour university-required English language course which is offered to students majoring in Human Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Optometrics. This course aims to enable students to read and comprehend English texts relevant to their fields in addition to helping them enter work market or pursue higher education. It places emphasis on developing skills of reading comprehension and increasing students' vocabulary as well as on developing skills of critical thinking, problem solving and decision making through exercises and study cases and relatively, short texts relevant to healthcare, development of medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses and optometrists. The course, also, stresses the skills of speaking and writing.

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 119 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
    • 7000408
Writing a genuine theoretical or experimental study or a special project thataddresses a variety of topics in speech-language-hearing pathology developedunder the direction of a faculty member. Student should use scientific approachesto research questions, designs, statistical procedures, methodologies, and scientificwriting. Students might be advised to use computer software for statistical analysis.
    • 10216236 or
    • 10216235
Writing a genuine theoretical or experimental study or a special project that addresses a variety of topics in speech-language-hearing pathology developed under the direction of a faculty member. Student should use scientific approaches to research questions, designs, statistical procedures, methodologies, and scientific writing. Students might be advised to use computer software for statistical analysis.
    • 7104101
This Course is designed to provide the students with a basic understanding of the structure and function of the human body and the mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis within it. The human body is discussed as separate systems, but the relation between different body systems is explained. The cells and tissues, nervous, skeletal, muscular, digestive, and urinary systems are discussed in this course. The methodology of course teaching includes lecture component and practical application for some theoretical approaches.
    • 7102101
The course provide an introduction to human morphology, function at the cell, tissue, and organ system levels of organization. The human body is also dealt with as separate systems with understanding of the morphology, mechanisms governing the function of different human organ systems such as the cardiovascular, immunological, musculoskeletal, hematological, and genital. The courses are taught through theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations
    • 7101203 or
    • 7102102
The course covers basic neuroanatomy, neurohistology and neurophysiology, focussing on processes involved in sensory and motor functions of the CNS. This knowledge will provide the foundations to understand the abnormal functional disorders and disabilities that may result from disease or trauma to the central nervous system
    • 7104101
This course cover the principles of the discipline of pathology. Disease is presented byorgan system. The method of instruction includes lectures, demonstrations, groupdiscussions, laboratories and autopsy participation
A discussion of biology activity at the level of the single cell. Cell structure. Chemicalconstituents, material exchanges with the environment and the cell membrane. Majorenergy generating biochemical pathways. Photosynthesis and control of cellularactivities
A practical compulsory course based on a weekly lecture. This course aims to push students to deal with patients and the hospital environment in various departments and facilities. In addition, students receive a brief overview of first aid principles
This is a one credit hour offered to second year students. It deals with fundamental ethical principles underlying medical practice. Ethical aspects of decision ? making are discussed with special emphasis on moral, cultural and religious issues in addition to confidentiality and respectability in patient management.
This course will focus on the basic developmental milestones of children from age0 up to 5-years old. Emphasis will be applied to the language and hearingdevelopment. The course will focus on the most common developmental disordersin term of definition, diagnosis, and suggested treatment. Adolescence period andits related problems will be discussed briefly by the end of the course.
7241102 Introduction to Audiology and Speech Pathology 3
This course focuses on understanding the general disabling conditions of infantsand young children. The course provides education to the students of the clinicalpicture of developmental disabilities. The course also provides major emphasis ofchildhood disorders and the most common acquired disorders of adulthood.Presentation of the diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines of the developmental andacquired health disabilities will be acknowledged.
This course includes basic information of psychological concepts that are related to learning theories and its application on the human behavior. Students will learn to 16 identify the symptoms of learning disabilities; examine their underlying causes and their impact on development. In addition, educational assessment and remediation along with other treatment approaches will be examined; the relationship between speech/language/Audiology and the field of learning disabilities will be explored.
This course provides clear descriptions of psychopathological disorders in order to enable clinicians to diagnose, communicate about, study and treat people with various mental disorders
This course introduces students to the different language fields. It covers basic terms in linguistics and the importance of this science in speech therapy.
    • 7102101
This course provides the needed information and knowledge of speech organs as well as its physiology principles including the neurological system involved, aiming to reach the proper understanding of speech and voice. Organs involved as respiratory system, larynx and speech systems are studied to make it clear to understand the whole integrated speech function. The same course the practical action through exploring the intended organs of study using audio video technology and needed specimens.
    • 7102102
This course provides the needed information and knowledge of hearing organs as well as its physiology principles including the neurological system involved, aiming to reach the proper understanding of hearing, hearing loss and hearing evaluation. Organs involved are studied to make it clear to understand the whole integrated hearing function. The same course the practical action through exploring the intended organs of study using audio video technology and needed specimens.
    • 7241203
This is a course in phonetics. It explains how sounds are produced. It covers topics related to the basic components of speech.
    • 7241206
Study of the acoustic properties of sounds, speech, and the dynamics of speech sound production. The basic principles of acoustics related to speech and hearing including: sound generation, transmission, and measurement; frequency, intensity and duration, and waveform composition. The course includes understanding of the principles of acoustics. It includes the understanding of the different physical aspects which are involved in audiology. Sound and its propagation, frequency and intensity will be discussed. Moreover, physical aspects affecting sound propagation such as resonance, reflection, diffraction, reverberation and interference and their effects will be discussed. Furthermore, special attention will be paid to waveforms, their spectrum and analysis. Sound and threshold measurements as well as sound transmission will be discussed.
    • 7241203
This course aims to provide students with information on different first language acquisition theories and stages. It also sheds light on the different data collection techniques.
    • 7241205
    • 7103201
To have the proper knowledge of the disease that affect the ear, nose and throat and how it affects the auditory and speech systems. The student hear should gain the knowledge of his/her role in line with the managing physician to be able to manage the patients speech and hearing rehabilitation after the medical intervention. The student also is introduced to know the most popular related surgical interventions and medication in relation.
    • 7241203
Introduction to articulation and phonological disorders and their significance. Reviewing the articulators and place and manner of articulation. Studying phonetic development and the subject of intelligibility. Studying phonologic processes and development. Studying types and the etiology of articulatory and phonological disorders. Assessment and diagnosis of articulatory and phonological development and treatment of their disorders.
    • 7241303
To apply the knowledge of articulation and phonological disorders, involving speech and articulation difficulties for patients with hearing difficulties, autism and special needs practically using the different evaluation tools to reach related diagnosis. Students here will be trained to gain the skill to write reports, prepare management plans, and be able to decide their objectives of dealing with each individual case on all stages. Audio-video tools are used to aid understanding through this course.
    • 7241205
Studying the techniques and interpretation of conventional hearing investigations: pure tone audiometry, masking, tympanometry, speech audiometry, acoustic reflexes, reflex decay, and acoustic reflex decay. Interpretation and reporting the results of hearing assessment for medical legal aspects. Supervised clinical training on the use of different audiometric equipment, performance and interpretation of conventional Audiological investigations of adults and children over five years old.
    • 7241305
Audio ? video tools and examples of normal and abnormal results will be used toelaborate the objectives of the main course.
    • 7241303
The course provides the students with observation of clinical activities in conjunction with discussion of clinical issues. The clinical process and nature of the client-clinician relationship are stressed. Students are acquainted with basic concepts of clinical practice including models of diagnosis, fundamentals of clinical data collection and measurement, treatment planning, professional writing.
    • 7241305
The course provides the students with observation of clinical activities in conjunction with discussion of clinical issues. The clinical process and nature of the client-clinician relationship are stressed. Students are acquainted with basic concepts of clinical practice including models of diagnosis, fundamentals of clinical data collection and measurement, treatment planning, professional writing.
    • 7241301
Basic principles, methods and procedures for assessment and intervention of child language disorders. Language Measurement. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to the evaluation of linguistic proficiency will be explored. Topics will also include: establishment of rapport, data collection (using interview, behavioral observation, informal assessment, and standardized testing for patients with speech and articulation problems involving whom who suffer hearing difficulties, autism and of special needs) and differential diagnosis. Psychometric considerations in the selection, administration, and interpretation of test data will be discussed. This course is done in line with one hour of clinical practicum .
    • 7241309
To apply the language disorders practically (for the main course above) using the different evaluation tools to reach related diagnosis. Students here will be trained to gain the skill to write reports, prepare management plans, and be able to decide their objectives of dealing with each individual case on all stages. Audio-video tools are used to aid understanding through this course.
    • 7241102
The theoretical foundations of dysfluent behavior have to be reviewed; thisinvolves patients with speech and articulation difficulties suffering hearingdifficulties, autism and whom of special needs. Topics taught are:symptomatology, Incidence variables, characteristics of the person who stutter, thestuttering response, theories of stuttering, and normal dysfluencies. Differentialdiagnosis, principles of therapeutic techniques, and management procedures forchildren and adults will be studied. Various treatment approaches are to beexamined and compared.
    • 7241311
To apply the knowledge of fluency disorders (involving all patients in the maintheoretical course) practically using the different evaluation tools to reach relateddiagnosis. Students are taught the skills of counseling the family and teachersdealing with cases of stuttering. Students here will be trained to gain the skill towrite reports, prepare management plans, and be able to decide their objectives ofdealing with each individual case on all stages. Audio-video tools are used to aidunderstanding through this course.
    • 7241204
Children with cleft lip and palate typically have a variety of speech problems.Some speech problems result directly from anatomical differences such as theinability of the soft palate to close the opening from the throat to the nasal cavity,which is necessary for many speech sounds which result in resonance disorder. inthis course we will discuss different diagnostic methods and tools and thetreatment for the speech disorders that go with it . Audio-video tools are used toaid understanding through this course.
    • 7102301
    • 7103201
Cerebral palsy is a sensorimotor disorder that affects the control of posture andmovement. This deficit affects the communication competence in all speech andlanguage aspects, in this course we will discuss the nature of cerebral palsy fromthe perspective of its etiology, features, diagnosis, and the possible treatment of thespeech disorders concomitant with it.
This course includes basic information of special education for special exceptionalchildren (the characteristics of these groups of children and their education) andmore emphasizing on the techniques and classroom practices that make up thediscipline of special education, also this course covered the special psychological,medical, and sociological aspects of the various handicapping condition that is viastudying the following topics ( Mental retardation, Learning disabilities(dyslexia,dysgraphia, dyscalculia), Emotional disturbance, Speech and language disorders,Hearing impairment, Visual impairment, Physical disabilities, Giftedness andNormalization and attitudes toward exceptional children).
    • 7241305
This course provides an introduction to basic description of hearing aidscomponents. It also describes the different kinds and styles of hearing aids andprovides explanation of indication of hearing aids. This course introduces to thedifferent hearing aid's fitting strategies including real-ear measurements.
    • 7241316
Audi- video tools and specimens are used to elaborate different hearing aids, itsparts and its fitting methods. Giving students the skill of family counseling will beimportant part of this course. Manufacturing templates will be exhibited as welltraining on the usage of hearing aids to test people with hearing loss wearing thehearing aids.
    • 7241307
The course provides the students with supervised clinical practice; furtherobservations of clinical activities and investigation of the clinical process with anemphasis on diagnostics, assessment tools, and methodologies in speechpathology. Advanced concepts of clinical practice, including principles of humanbehavior change, clinical decision making, generalization, transfer andmaintenance, models of service delivery, ethical practice, advanced professional
    • 7241308
The course provides the students with supervised clinical practice; furtherobservations of clinical activities and investigation of the clinical process with anemphasis on diagnostics, assessment tools, and methodologies in audiologicalpathology. Advanced concepts of clinical practice, including principles of humanbehavior change, clinical decision making, generalization, transfer andmaintenance, models of service delivery, ethical practice, advanced professional
    • 7241204
This course focuses on the acoustic, physiologic, and psychological factorscontributing to normal and abnormal phonation and resonance of speech. Includesconsideration of cleft palate and other cranio-facial anomalies. Compensatorymethods by which the alaryngeal patient can produce a sound source with theremaining anatomy or with the mechanical means subsequent to surgery at thetopics covered in this course. Assessment and intervention strategies for organicand functional voice disorders will be explored.
    • 7241401
Audio ? video tools will be used to elaborate and aid Practical performance ofusing the evaluation tools and instruments used to diagnose human voice disordersand technologies used for testing and analyzing human voice. Students will betrained on methods to manage human voice disorders according to its differentcauses.
    • 7241305
The understanding of adult speech audiometry as well as the whole test battery foradults to diagnose the site of lesion in sensorineural hearing loss. Special attentionis paid to the different subjective tests as well as the objective evoked potentialtests, pre-employment hearing evaluation, occupational hearing conservation,administrative control of noise exposure . Moreover special tests to diagnose nonorganichearing loss will be discussed.
    • 7241403
Audio ? video tools, clinical tools and examples of normal and abnormal resultswill be used to elaborate the objectives of the main course.
    • 7241204
Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) is common among all age groups, speciallythe elderly. In this course after we discuss the normal way of swallowing we willdiscuss signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, the connections with otherdisorders, and the role of speech language pathologist in diagnosis and treatment ofthe swallowing disorder.
    • 7241303
    • 7241309
Verbal Therapy, Hearing Impairment, Hearing Impaired children (characteristics,assessment & therapy approaches) will be elaborated. Effects of hearingimpairment on different life aspects of suffering children are raised as well theimportance of early detection and intervention along with continuous testing toevaluate disorders. Importance of Family role is raised as well.
    • 7241406
Practical performance and training to apply the objectives of the main course willbe done along with family counseling plans using audio video aids to direct thestudents to the methods of evaluating and managing impairments in children
    • 7241318
During this fourth year course, the students will develop their clinical skills andknowledge in Speech Language Pathology. Students will practice their clinicalskills in SLP in King Abdullah University Hospital. The students will graduallyprogress from assessment and treatment of articulation and language disorders inchildren into management of cases with fluency disorders, cleft palate, voicedisorders and hearing impairment. Student will have direct involvement withpatients and their families under supervision, and finally to independentinvolvement. It is essential that where students are placed for clinical practice, afull-time qualified SLP is in attendance for supervisory and teaching purposes.Additionally intensive supervision will be guaranteed through the UniversitySpeech and Hearing faculty members.
    • 7241319
The purpose of this course is to develop practical skills in assessment as well asinterpretation of routine audiological evaluation. The primary focus of this courseis pure-tone and speech audiometry including masking, immittance measures, andadministration and interpretation of diagnostic audiological tests. Additional topicsto be covered include: causes of hearing loss, case history taking, reporting, andinformation counseling
    • 7241315
Understanding the importance of rehabilitation .Verification techniques of thehearing aids and cochlear implant are also included. Special attention is paid toappropriateness of cochlear implant and the age of rehabilitation. Moreover, thedifferent fitting methods of hearing aids will be presented. Different criteria andtypes for cochlear implant device will be discussed. Furthermore, the courseincludes assistive listening devices and the aspects of cochlear implants, theirimportance, the patients in need for them, and the determinants of success.
    • 7241305
This course is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge of thevarious instruments used in the field of audiology. By the end of this course thestudent is expected to have the following competencies:1- Knowledge of the components of the different equipment used to diagnosehearing disorders.2- Knowledge and skills of calibrating basic equipment in the field of Audiology.3-Interpret and trouble shoot different conditions that he/she might face duringdealing with these equipment.
    • 7241403
This course provides an introduction to vestibular anatomy and physiology,different vestibular testing strategies, the effect of different peripheral and centralpathologies on the overall balance function and an overview of differentrehabilitative treatment protocols. Implication of the goals of the main course onpractical bases using and elaborating the equipments and tools of measurement andevaluation of the vestibular assessment.
    • 7241102
    • 7102301
This is an advanced study of the concepts, tools, and methods of scholarly research and the significance of research centers. Students are trained on how to conduct research and publish. They then conduct a community-oriented field research study, covering a relevant medical issue, take samples, analyze results and complete a proper research paper in a systematic fashion
    • 7241403
This course aims to enabling the students to understand and be able to assess thehearing mechanism and value the importance of evaluating hearing abilities in thispopulation. This course provides the latest information in the diagnosis andremediation of hearing loss in pediatric population. This course especially focuseson early identification of hearing loss.
    • 7241414
Audiological testing and rehabilitation in children and newborns are elaborated inthis course. Equipment as ABR and VNG will be used. Plans to refer patients tomedical service and attain the skill of family counseling discussing causes ofhearing impairment are also explored.
    • 7241408
Dealing and treating advanced and specialized cases. Dealing with different voice,speech and language disorders and habilitating them independently. Reporting acase of each of these disorders and writing reports for final evaluation.
    • 7241409
The course is intended to develop practical skills in dealing with advanced cases ofaudiological problems. Students will be trained to gain the ability to perform andexecute therapeutic plans for each individual case on bases of all stages andpreparing reports being able to communicate with the medical managing teamaccordingly. Training to use testing equipments will be assured on normal andpatient subjects to elaborate comparison.
A theoretical compulsory course of three lectures per week aims to provide students with basic knowledge in statistics needed in the field of pharmaceuticals. These skills include reading, analysis, interpretation, and application of research findings. It includes descriptive statistics, sampling methods, statistical inference, analysis of clinical and drug trials including bioequivalence, validation of results, examination of the dissolution of drug forms, standardization of weight and components of drug forms, etc. This course also deals with issues related to some statistical tests to compare the results of two or more groups, such as the T-test, Wilcoxon test, ANOVA and Tukey test. The focus is also on the methods used in the study of epidemiology and discussing the design of the experiment during Development of pharmaceuticals
This course is designed to let students understanding of the laboratory ethics and policies, and to provide students with a tangible practical skills linked to their theoretical knowledge in chemistry fundamentals . The aims to this course are to familiarize students with laboratory techniques and tools (i.e. Bunsen Burner, electric balance, calorimeter, volumetric glassware), simple chemical synthesis, and other chemical principles and techniques (e.g. filtration, titration) that will serve them in more advanced experimental works at the undergraduate and graduate level.

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