جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Management Information Systems
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor


Students enrolled in the Management Information Systems (MIS) program collaborate with faculty programs, including computer engineering, computer science, and network and security programs, to leverage the resources of five state-of-the-art computer labs. These labs boast a wide range of servers and approximately 200 computers, ensuring a robust technological environment for students' academic pursuits.

Within these labs, students have access to a diverse array of software packages, strategically installed to support their learning and practical applications. Notable software includes Visual Studio, Python programming compilers and interpreters, Oracle, and more. This comprehensive software suite empowers students to develop their programming skills, engage in database management and applications, explore web programming, and gain hands-on experience with tools associated with advanced courses.

Furthermore, students have the privilege of utilizing the facilities provided by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, such as libraries and other resources. This collaborative ecosystem enriches their learning experience, enabling them to delve into research, access supplementary materials, and engage with a vibrant academic community.



The program has established a strong and mutually beneficial partnership with the local community and industry. This relationship is based on trust, collaboration, and coordination, forming a solid foundation for shared success.


From its inception, the program was designed with the intention of integrating projects from the local community, particularly in the context of the graduation project. This approach ensures that students can actively contribute to real-world challenges and address the specific needs of the local community through their innovative solutions.

To enrich the learning experience, the MIS program regularly invites experts from local companies to deliver guest lectures and share their insights both within and outside the regular course curriculum. This valuable interaction exposes students to industry best practices, real-world case studies, and emerging trends, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

The program and local companies closely collaborate in the process of hiring program graduates. Special hiring visits and invited interview appointments are organized to facilitate direct engagement between prospective employers and talented students. This coordinated effort ensures a smooth transition for graduates into professional roles within local companies, enhancing employment opportunities and aligning the skills acquired in the program with the demands of the industry.

A pivotal joint activity within the program is the internship period, during which students immerse themselves in a real company environment. Spending over 180 hours working in an actual business setting, students gain invaluable hands-on experience, further developing their skills, and deepening their understanding of industry practices.


Teaching and Learning

The program embraces contemporary teaching and learning techniques, placing a strong emphasis on student-centered learning, project-based learning, and problem-based learning methodologies. These approaches actively engage students in their educational journey and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. To facilitate effective learning, a variety of instructional methods are employed, including traditional lectures, interactive discussions, homework assignments, term projects, and case study analyses. This diverse range of activities ensures that students have ample opportunities to apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The program leverages modern technology to enhance the learning experience. Cutting-edge software applications, such as PowerPoint and Moodle, are utilized to deliver interactive and dynamic content, making the learning process more engaging and immersive. Additionally, popular social networking platforms like Zoom and Facebook discussion groups provide platforms for virtual collaboration, enabling students to connect, communicate, and share ideas seamlessly.


Coursework and Assessment

The program implements a comprehensive assessment framework that encompasses both summative and formative evaluation methods, tailored to the unique requirements of each course.

The assessment criteria consist of a variety of components, including:

  • Exams: This includes quizzes, midterm exams, and final exams
  • Course projects and presentations
  • Homework assignments

The weighting of these assessment activities varies based on the nature of each course, ensuring a balanced evaluation that aligns with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

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