جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Sustainability and Building Technology MA Program
Duration: 24 Months (2 Years)
Degree Awarded: MSc

Career Opportunities

A study assessing the market demand for the program revealed an 85% consensus among consulting offices, engineering companies, and professionals in the public and contracting sectors about a severe shortage in the local market for specialized experts in sustainability. Graduates from this program are equipped to address this demand and pursue various career opportunities, including:

  1. Sustainability Consultant:

    • Advising government agencies, local authorities, and donor institutions on sustainable practices.

  2. Design and Implementation Supervisor:

    • Overseeing the design or implementation of buildings aligned with sustainability principles.

  3. Project Evaluation Specialist:

    • Evaluating existing or proposed projects for their compliance with sustainable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly design requirements.

  4. Researcher in Building Materials Technology:

    • Engaging in research to develop modern building materials technology that minimizes the environmental impact of constructions.

  5. Economic Feasibility Analyst:

    • Preparing economic feasibility studies for sustainable solutions in investment projects within the building industry.

Graduates from this program are well-prepared to make significant contributions to the field of sustainability and building technology, addressing the critical shortage identified by market stakeholders.


Accrediting Organizations

The program holds accreditation from both the Accreditation and Quality Commission of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Palestine and the Association of Arab Universities.

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