جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Council of Deans

The Council of Deans is an important forum that allows the Deans to make decisions that define the institution's strategies. The Council includes the University President, Vice Presidents, Assistant Presidents, and Deans of Colleges.

The Council meets on a weekly  basis to discuss and evaluate both academic and administrative issues, and to consider topics submitted to it by the other University officials, committees or faculties. In addition, the Council of Deans provides advice, guidance, and recommendations to the President on these subjects and other academic and administrative matters.

The Council of Deans at An-Najah National University determines and reviews the University’s academic policy, and it makes appropriate decisions and recommendations according to the University’s established regulations.

  • The University President as the Chair of the Council.
  • The Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs or the Acting Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs.
  • Deans or those who represent them.
  1. Devising and determining the responsibilities of the Council’s committees.
  2. Reviewing the decisions and proposals made by the faculties’ councils and following the proper procedures according to the University’s regulations.
  3. Studying and approving, with two-thirds majority,  the recommendations presented to the Council regarding the following issues:
    a-Appointing, promoting, granting tenure or terminating work contracts for teaching assistants, instructors and assistant professors at the University according to the system of the faculty staff. (This does not include professors or associate professors working at the University.)
    b-Study missions and study leaves for the University’s employees.
  4. The decisions of the Council of Deans with respect to what has been stated in item (a) are considered applicable after signing the required contracts by the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
  5. Approving the study plans and the study programs presented to the Council by the faculties’ councils and the councils’ committees.
  6. Setting workflow instructions and guidelines for the Council of Deans, the faculties’ councils, the councils of the academic departments, the library and the Registration Department.
  7. Discussing the decisions and recommendations of the councils’ committees, approving them or recommending them within the limits of the Council’s responsibilities.
  8. Identifying the needs of the University, its library, and its different faculties and departments and taking the necessary procedures in accordance with the University’s regulations.
  9. Coordinating the internal relations between the different faculties, departments and other facilities within the University such as the library, the Registration Department and the Students’ Affairs Deanship.
  10. Coordinating the relations between the University’s faculties, departments, the library and the Registration Department with the rest of units and departments inside the University.
  11. Cooperating with the Consultative Council with respect to issues that are related to the Council of Deans’ responsibilities.
  12. Contributing to the preservation and respect of knowledge and scientists and highlighting the priority that is given to these issues in the University’s plans and policies.
  13. Discussing the projects of the internal systems in the academic units and the library and recommending them to the Board of Trustees or to its specialized committees.
  14. Discussing the projects related to the University’s instructions and regulations with respect to academic affairs set by the University President and making the proper decisions according to the University’s regulations.
  15. Evaluating the University’s academic work and the effectiveness of the graduates through reviewing related reports.
  16. Reinforcing the University’s relationship with different institutions and bodies in the private and public sectors within the limits of the Council’s responsibilities and authorities.
  17. Advising the University President on the establishment or the cancellation of certain academic units, as well as granting scientific degrees to be sent to the Board of Trustees.
  18. Carrying out any tasks assigned by the University President, who is the president of the councils according to the University’s established regulations.
  19. Discussing the budget project and forwarding it to the Board of Trustees along with the recommendations that the Council deems appropriate.

The President presides over the Council's meetings.





Prof. Abdel Naser Zaid

[email protected]

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Abdulsalam Alkaiyat [email protected]

Vice President for International and External Affairs

 Dr. Kherieh Rassas
[email protected]​​​​​​​


 Vice President for Administrative Affairs

Dr. Saed Al-Koni

[email protected]

President's Assistant for Community Affairs Mr. Raed Debiy [email protected]
Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality Dr. Nidal Dwaikat [email protected]
President's Assistant for Logistics and Infrastructure Affairs Dr. Saed Al-Koni [email protected]
Vice President Assistant for Academic Affairs, Scientific Faculties Dr. Maen Ishtaiwi [email protected]
Vice President's Assistant for Medical and Health Sciences Dr. Majdi Dwikat [email protected]

Vice President Assistant for Academic Affairs, Humanities Faculties

Dr. Naeem Salameh

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Science

Dr. Ghadeer Omar

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences

Dr. Abdal Khaliq Essa

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Business and Communication

Dr. Rafat Jallad

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Dr. Muhannad Haj Hussein

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Islamic Law (Shari'ah)

Prof. Jamal Al-Kilani

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts

Dr. Monther Dwaikat

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Dr. Noor Adas

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Dr. Khalil Issa

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Belal Rahhal

[email protected]

Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies

Dr. Kefah Barham

[email protected]

Dean of Scientific Research

Prof. Waleed Sweileh

[email protected]

Dean of Student Affairs

Mr. Mohammed Daqqa

[email protected]

Dean of Admission and Registration

Mr. Abdullah Al-Nasser

[email protected]

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