جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

Partnership and ‎Cooperation

The unit has signed several Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and participated in various joint projects and partnerships with international institutions and agencies.

  • ‎Cooperation agreement with the Natural Resources Authority, (NRA) ‎Amman, Jordan.‎
  • ‎Cooperation with the General Directory of the Natural Resources, Ramallah, ‎Palestine.
  • ‎Joint projects with Geo Forshungs Zentrum (GFZ), Germany.‎
  • ‎Joint projects with USAID‎.
  • ‎(UNESCO)‎.
  • Reducing Earthquake Losses in the Extended Mediterranean Region ‎‎(RELEMR Group).
  • Royal Scientific Society (RSS)- Amman, Jordan.‎
  • Exchange seismological data with the European- Mediterranean Seismological ‎Center (EMSC).
  • ‎Projects with Rothschild Foundation.‎
  • ‎Projects with SDC-Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Office-‎Jordan.
  • ‎Projects  with European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake ‎Engineering.
  • ‎Projects  with IUSS-Pavia, the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia.

There are several Palestinian Governmental and Non- governmental ‎Beneficiaries and Partners sach as:

  • Ministry of Local Government.
  • Ministry of Education.
  • ‎Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
  • ‎Engineers Association.
  • ‎High Council of Civil Defense.
  • ‎Civil Defense Directorate.
  • ‎National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation.
  • ‎General Contractors Union.
  • ‎Ministry of Planning.
  • ‎Ministry of Health.
  • ‎Red Crescent Society‎.
  • ‎Nablus, Ramallah, Jericho, Hebron, Jenin and other Municipalities.
  • ‎The Political and National Guidance.‎
  • ‎Others‎.


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