جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence Research Unit

The utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical research has ushered in a transformative era for healthcare. AI technologies, such as machine learning and deep learning algorithms, are increasingly employed to analyze extensive datasets, identify patterns, and extract valuable insights from medical information. This integration significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of tasks such as disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and the creation of personalized treatment plans. The synergy between AI and medical research holds the promise of advancing our understanding of diseases, expediting drug development, and ultimately improving therapeutic outcomes.

The unit is dedicated to formulating research ideas and proposals, specifically focusing on creating applications for artificial intelligence across various fields of medical science. It attracts researchers in medical sciences, acquainting them with the possibilities and applications of artificial intelligence, and facilitates connections with specialists in AI research to forge collaborations between the two disciplines. Additionally, the unit engages in effective communication with potential customers to market the products of the research projects.

Research Topics

Employment of Artificial Intelligence in drug development and targeting

The deployment of Artificial Intelligence in drug development and targeting addresses a significant challenge faced by the pharmaceutical industry— the efficient processing and analysis of the vast amount of current medical data. The effective utilization of this extensive information is crucial, especially in the realm of drug development, where challenges contribute to escalating research and development costs, consequently impacting the financial performance of the pharmaceutical sector.

The primary objective of this project is to develop an AI system capable of rapidly analyzing existing medical literature. This system is designed to discern components or entities within signaling pathways, extract the relationships between them, and facilitate the identification of signaling pathways associated with specific diseases. Through this comprehensive analysis, the ultimate goal is to unveil new potential drug targets, providing a valuable contribution to the advancement of drug development processes.

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