جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

Economic Development Research Unit

The Economic Development Research Unit was established to address economic challenges and issues at both macro and micro levels, and to develop effective policies that foster economic development, promote economic growth, and enhance the competitiveness of the Palestinian private sector.

The unit aims to advance scientific research in the field of economics on national and international levels, leveraging the diverse research expertise of the University's academic staff and research activities in graduate programs. 

It places a strong emphasis on fostering partnerships with relevant stakeholders, supporting and encouraging applied research that serves the private sector across various economic sectors, and meeting the needs of local and international governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Alongside research activities, the unit focuses on capacity-building in economic policies and strategies for individuals and institutions, while also contributing to community service by addressing urgent and emerging economic challenges through workshops and conferences.

It secures necessary resources and funding through partnerships with the private sector and donors, providing expertise and consultancy for feasibility studies in various economic and administrative fields. It also aims to establish strategic relationships with local and international governmental and non-governmental institutions by developing project proposals for research and other activities required by these institutions.


  • Market Research and Analysis: Our unit conducts comprehensive market research to identify industry trends, economic opportunities, and areas of growth. We collect and analyze data on various economic indicators, including employment rates, wages, industry performance, and consumer behavior. This valuable information serves as a foundation for strategic planning and decision-making for both companies and policymakers.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: We actively engage in collaborations with research institutions, universities, government agencies, and industry associations. These partnerships facilitate the sharing of resources, expertise, and data, fostering interdisciplinary research. We have established partnerships with local companies, economic development organizations, and community stakeholders to strengthen cooperation and align research efforts with the practical needs of economic development.
  • Workforce Development: Recognizing the significance of a skilled workforce, we collaborate with various institutions, training providers, and industry stakeholders to address skills gaps. Our unit develops workforce training programs, apprenticeships, and internships to enhance the employability of local residents. We also establish development partnerships with employers to better understand their workforce needs and connect them with qualified individuals.
  • Impact Assessment: We conduct thorough impact assessments to evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of economic development programs, policies, and incentives. These assessments measure the impact on job creation, business growth, income levels, and other pertinent economic indicators. By assessing the success of initiatives, we provide valuable insights for guiding future policy decisions.
  • Policy Advocacy: Our unit actively participates in advocacy efforts to shape favorable economic policies at the local, regional, and national levels. We advocate for policies that support the interests of businesses and society, emphasizing entrepreneurship, innovation, investment, and job creation. Additionally, we make policy recommendations and collaborate with government officials and other organizations to influence economic policy formulation.

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