جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Thursday, 16 February, 2023, An-Najah National University held a recognition ceremony to celebrate the achievements of students who participated in the “Scientific Research Skills” Training Program. The ceremony was organized by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University, implemented by the Researchist, a scientific research community in Palestine. It was attended by a number of the University officials, faculty members, and participating students.

The Program aimed at providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct independent research in their respective fields. It covered a range of topics, including research design, data analysis, scientific writing, and research ethics.

During the ceremony, students who completed the program were recognized for their hard work and dedication. The University's Dean of Scientific Research, Prof. Ismail Warad, spoke about the importance of scientific research in advancing knowledge and contributing to the development of society. He also congratulated the students on their achievements and encouraged them to continue pursuing their academic goals.

Dr. Warad also thanked the faculty members who taught the program and acknowledged their efforts in mentoring and guiding the students throughout the training course.

An-Najah University is committed to promoting scientific research and academic excellence among its students. The “Scientific Research Skills” Training Program is one of the many initiatives that the University offers to support its students' academic and professional development.

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