An-Najah Professor Obtains Highest Academic Qualification in Germany
Dr. Kahtib received this degree from the University of Klagenfurt in Austria based on his post-doctoral research in the field of Photovoltaic Power systems.
Dr. Tamer Khatib, Assistant Professor at the Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering at An-Najah has recently obtained the Habilitation (venia docendi) degree in renewable and sustainable energy , the highest academic qualification a scholar can achieve by his or her own pursuit in many countries,
Dr. Kahtib received this degree from the University of Klagenfurt in Austria based on his post-doctoral research in the field of Photovoltaic Power systems.
Dr. Kahtib has also agreed with John Wiley & Sons to publish his book on modeling PV power systems which will be issued mid of 2016 to be an accredited reference in the field.