جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah University President, Prof. Maher Natsheh signed an MOU with the Supreme Council for Creativity and Excellence represented by the Chairman of the Council Engineer Adnan Samara.

The MOU aimed to reinforce cooperation in terms of scientific and research projects in medical fields, especially with regards to detecting proteins and genes that indicate how the Corona virus functions, and trying to find an efficient cure for this pandemic, which continues to claim many lives every day in many countries of the world.

Prof. Natsheh stressed on the importance of such agreements as they encourage applied and qualitative scientific research and are considered basic principles to develop partnership between educational institutions and development centers. These agreements also form the basis of sustainable development in Palestine.

Samara clarified that the agreement aims at reinforcing innovation and excellence in the Palestinian community.

At the end of their visit, Samara and the accompanied delegation visited the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in the New Campus as well as An-Najah Center for Cancer and Stem Cell Research, the Animal House and An-Najah's Neuroscience Lab to learn about their services and facilities.

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