جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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As the COVID-19 situation develops, research staff at An-Najah University continue their support of COVID-19 research studies, including the impact of COVID-19 pandemic (Coronavirus) on the Palestinian's health and educational system.

The University research team from different faculties published more than 20 research papers in international scientific journals in collaboration with international researchers.

This research staff include: Dr. Sa'ed Zyoud, Dr. Ahed Zyoud, Dr. Fayez Mahameed, Dr. Zahir Nazzal, Dr. Zuhair Khalif, Dr. Jihad Abdullah, Dr. Walid Basha, Dr. Saida Affouneh, Dr. Sana' Al-Sarghali, Dr. Bilal Hamamra, Dr. Hamzeh Al Zabadi, Dr. Soheil Salha, Dr. Amira Shaheen, Prof. Ismail Warad and Prof. Walid Sweileh.

It is worth mentioning that the University is committed to pursuing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and accelerate action on the SDGs, especially SDG 3, which focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all people at all ages.

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