جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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In response to the educational disruptions in Gaza, An-Najah National University (ANNU) is spearheading the Technical Educational Support for Higher Education Students Initiative (TESI). This groundbreaking initiative, in collaboration with UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union and the Palestinian Student Scholarship Fund (PSSF), highlights ANNU's commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4, emphasizing the importance of quality education and reflecting on its social and moral responsibility. TESI embodies the foundational SDG ethos that no individual should be left behind, irrespective of their circumstances.

The recent conflict in Gaza has inflicted unprecedented damage on the education sector, with nearly 70% of educational institutions facing demolition or damage. ANNU, along with its esteemed partners, recognizes the urgency of addressing this crisis and is taking proactive steps to alleviate the educational burdens caused by the recent war.

TESI represents a strategic blend of virtual learning and international cooperation. By leveraging technology, digitization, and shared resources, ANNU, UNIMED, and PSSF are determined to establish an innovative e-learning system dedicated to university students in the Gaza Strip. This e-learning platform will be implemented as soon as conditions permit students to enroll in their university courses remotely. Importantly, the initiative assures Gaza students that there will be no financial costs associated with this opportunity.

The initiative has formed a committee of experts in distance education, utilizing digitization, virtual learning platforms, open/shared resources, and technical and educational support. This committee will develop plans to directly support students when suitable conditions are met, ensuring that educational progress is not hampered by the impact of war.

As the TESI gains momentum, there is growing interest from a diverse network of partners, including local, regional, and international universities and organizations. An-Najah University and its partners cordially invite institutions to join this collaborative effort. 

ANNU underscores that this initiative manifests national solidarity and humanitarian concern, recognizing education as an indispensable right even in the most challenging circumstances. The university expresses its commitment to Palestine and its people, affirming that education is a powerful weapon in facing challenges and that science and education pave the way towards building a better future for all generations.

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