جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah University's Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences recently hosted a compelling lecture titled "People with Disabilities: Forgotten in the Plunge of Wars?" on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. This event was organized in observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, recognized annually on December 3rd.

Dr. Sahar Abu Shokeedem, an expert in the field from An-Najah University, presented the lecture, drawing a diverse audience from the university and beyond. The focus was on highlighting the hardships faced by individuals with disabilities in the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing conflict.

The lecture covered various topics, including the unique challenges faced by people with disabilities, especially in war zones, and the psychological impact of such experiences. Dr. Abu Shokeedem also discussed the crucial role of both international and local organizations in addressing these challenges.

The session involved an open discussion with the audience, featuring real-life stories through videos that portrayed the struggles of people with disabilities in Gaza. The event concluded with a screening of a poignant film by the Arab Union For The Blind, depicting the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in neighboring Arab countries affected by recent wars and revolutions, such as Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and others.

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