جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University convened a virtual lecture on October 22, 2023, to explore the subject of "Israeli Violations in the Gaza Strip and Accountability Mechanisms." The lecture was organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science and delivered via Zoom.

The lecture's primary objectives were to elucidate the legal dimensions of violations perpetrated, both historically and ongoing, by the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. It also delved into the critical realm of accountability mechanisms and the pivotal role played by human rights organizations in the vigilant monitoring and documentation of these transgressions.

The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. Nour Adass, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science. Dr. Adass underscored the vital importance of such lectures in bringing to light the legal framework underpinning the sustained violations perpetrated by the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. She also emphasized the significance of understanding the legal avenues available to the State of Palestine for holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Mr. Shawan Jabarinn, a distinguished human rights activist and Director General of Al-Haq, took the stage to present the lecture. Mr. Jabarinn commenced his discourse by providing a comprehensive overview of the violations carried out by the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, which encompassed civilian populations, educational institutions, healthcare centers, and religious sites. These actions, in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, were expounded as constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Mr. Jabarinn went on to shed light on the meticulous procedures employed by human rights organizations, including Al-Haq and others, for the monitoring and documentation of these violations. He stressed the pivotal role such documentation plays in initiating legal actions to hold the occupation forces accountable for these grave crimes before international courts.

Concluding the event, an engaging interactive session ensued, moderated by Mr. Raed Debiy, President's Assistant for Community Affairs. This session offered a valuable platform for the audience to pose a diverse array of questions and inquiries, enabling a deeper exploration of the topics and insights presented during the lecture.

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